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335 posts
Is Kmt Hugo Theme Support Adsense ?
Yes, Kmt theme supports AdSense to display ads on your website. You just need to change the parameter of adsense in your project hugo.toml like this. [params] founded = 2023 - adsense = …
Why Another Hugo Theme?
I tried some themes such as PaperMod , Ananke , mini , Anubis and Whisper . Every theme lack in some aspect, so I decided to create a new theme for my own use case. Name of the theme 🔗 I named the …
Why The Hugo Theme is Named Kmt?
I named my Hugo theme kmt after the name of my country. As you can read on Wikipedia page about Egypt . The ancient Egyptian name of the country was (𓆎 𓅓 𓏏𓊖) km.t, which means black land, likely …
How to update Hugo Theme Kmt in my website ?
If you installed the KMT theme into your blog/website HUGO project via GIT, just use this command. git submodule update --remote This command will update all the submodules in your git project. But if …
How to install Hugo theme Kmt ?
Kmt is a minimal Hugo theme created by @AbanoubHA , yes it’s me, and named after the name of Egypt in the ancient egyptian language. Install via git submodule (recommended) 🔗 Inside the folder …
Kmt Theme Features
Kmt is a minimal theme for HUGO especially made for my web blog. Why Kmt? 🔗 I named the theme Kmt after my country name. I am from Egypt. Egypt is called Kmt in the ancient egyptian language, so, I am …
All Code Editors & My Favourite One
Too many code editors are availabe out there. Some are open source and others are closed source. Some are CLI-based and others are GUI-based. Let’s talk about all viable options. Graphical User …
Extract Images From a Video – Android, Windows, Mac OS and Linux
Extract images from a video on Android 🔗 You can use the video player in your smartphone. While watching a video, tap to pause the video on the scene frame you want to capture, then click on control …
For Personal Branding, Facebook Account or Fanpage ?
Should I use my account on Facebook as a brand with Meta verified badge, or use a fanpage instead? which is better for marketing? TLDR; I recommend using a Facebook Page for your brand rather than …
Go’s compiler escape analysis – simple yet powerful concept for performance
Go’s compiler escape analysis is such a simple yet powerful concept for performance. It boils down to the difference between the stack and the heap. So let us explore that. When a function is invoked …