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Why I recommend Peek as a Gif screen recorder ?

Peek has too many advantages as a git screen recorder. simple user interface easy to use fast enough and efficient available as snap, flatpak and appimage for Linux distributions with some other native packaging . open source software free of charge But Peek is not cross platform. It doesn’t support Windows 10 nor Mac OS X. Use Cases 🔗 I use Ubuntu, Pop! OS, Elementary OS and Mac OS. So Peek works on three of my four operating systems.

Windows vs Linux RAM Usage - Is Linux Better Than Windows?

Is Linux better than Windows in RAM usage or RAM management ? Both Linux and Windows are full multitasking operating systems that use virtual memory. If the operating system does not have enough space of physical memory, it use swap memory. swapping means that if your actual RAM is totally used, the operating system will take some of the memory from RAM and copy them into the hard disk or SSD.

Zig language vs Rust language

In the world of programming languages, two of the most popular choices are Zig and Rust. Both languages have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it can be difficult to decide which one is best for a particular project. To help you make an informed decision, we’ll take a look at the features and benefits of each language. Zig is a relatively new language that was designed to be a better alternative to C and C++.

Zig Will Succeed

To understand why I say Zig will be a successful programming language, we need to know why all popular languages are that popular. How popular programming languages get popular ? 🔗 In a talk by Richard Feldman, he talked about why isn’t functional programming the norm . And he answered the question “how did they get popular?” by this answer. Killer App C as a systems programming language because UNIX is written in C.

Zig Programming Language

Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. A Simple Language 🔗 Focus on debugging your application rather than debugging your programming language knowledge. No hidden control flow. No hidden memory allocations. No preprocessor, no macros. Comptime 🔗 A fresh approach to metaprogramming based on compile-time code execution and lazy evaluation. Call any function at compile-time. Manipulate types as values without runtime overhead. Comptime emulates the target architecture.

[OS] Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11

Microsoft Windows is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families developed and marketed by Microsoft. Each family caters to a certain sector of the computing industry. For example, Windows NT for consumers, Windows Server for servers, and Windows IoT for embedded systems. Microsoft Windows for consumers has popular releases which are Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and the latest one, Windows 11. Microsoft developed Windows OS after DOS by Bill Gates.

About Me - Abanoub Hanna | Software Developer

Hi! my name is Abanoub Hanna. I am a software developer. My motto is love life & live love. I love building useful software tools for people. I work @ KartBusiness | digital business cards . As Newton said : “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”. So if you consider my projects helpful, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants — in the open source community.

Fingers in English

Hand fingers in English are: Thumb Index finger Middle finger Ring finger little finger and also known as pinky finger