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Predictions for the Future of Programming Future in 2030

OCR Software made by Abanoub Hanna - Software Developer

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335 posts

How to change the favicon in dark mode ?

How to display a different favicon in dark or light mode ? I have my Macbook set up to automatically switch between dark and light mode. I built a new website and I realized that I used a white image …

How to change an HTML image URL in dark mode ?

Using CSS it’s pretty easy to apply changes if the system is in dark mode, using the prefers-color-scheme media feature. Today I wanted to change images on my website according to the theme chosen. If …

10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 21.10

10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 21.10

show battery percentage πŸ”— Here is the steps to show battery percentage. open the settings app select the power section switch on the toggle of the power percentage install a file preview tool πŸ”— If …

Unleash the Speed: Go Performance Optimization for Your Apps

Go, known for its simplicity and concurrency features, is a popular choice for building high-performance applications. But even the most elegant Go code can benefit from optimization techniques. This …

The Only Introduction to Go (Golang) You Need

Go, or also called Golang, is absolutely trendy, and rightly so. It is not as difficult to learn as C or C++, but still quite fast, and has a great community & many interesting and helpful …

Interactive Go Programming With Jupyter

Interactive Go Programming With Jupyter

For the past few years, the programming language Go (golang) is growing in popularity. I was a big fan of Python and I primarily used Python in my hobby projects three years ago. Now, I use Go instead …

Plain Socket Communication Between Two Go Programs, the Easy Way

Plain Socket Communication Between Two Go Programs, the Easy Way

Because there was an interesting discussion at reddit , suggesting using SSE, gRPC, Message queues (and there are plenty of others), I thought about making an article on (comparing) those …

Go: functions, methods, pointers and interfaces

This article was created especially for my son, who had hard times understanding using pointers and interfaces. To make the explanation complete, I added (with his help) two things: functions and …

Building and Dockerizing a Simple Go HTTP Server (A Beginner's Guide)

This tutorial will guide you through creating a basic HTTP server using Go and then packaging it into a Docker container. Go is a powerful and efficient programming language, while Docker allows you …

7 Reasons You Should Try Go

This article is written with 20+ years spent in development, 10+ years actively writing in Java, 7+ years actively writing in C# and 3+ years actively writing in Go. This article is a personal …