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Predictions for the Future of Programming Future in 2030

OCR Software made by Abanoub Hanna - Software Developer

7 Reasons You Should Try Go

This article is written with 20+ years spent in development, 10+ years actively writing in Java, 7+ years actively writing in C# and 3+ years actively writing in Go. This article is a personal opinion. This article advocates you, to try and use Go language. Speed of development πŸ”— When I am about to write a piece of software nowadays (and I can surely write it in all three languages), I will always choose Go.

How to Take Screenshot on Windows ?

use the dedicated button on keyboard πŸ”— There is a PrtSc button, or Print Screen, or Prt Scr, or similar name. Press this button, and open Paint program and press ctrl+v to paste the screenshot image. capture the active window πŸ”— To take a screenshot of the currently active window, just press Alt + PrtScn then paste the screenshot image in Paint program or Photoshop or any other image editing / creating program.

Recommended Linux Distributions in Brief

I tried too many Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Elementary OS, Linux Mint, Manjaro, Clear Linux OS, Endeavor OS, Fedora, Debian, Deepin, Peppermint os, Pop! OS, Parrot OS, Kali linux, Void Linux, Gentoo, MX Linux, Zorin OS and CentOS. I was a distrohopper! After all those experiments and daily usage of different distros (short for distributions) with different desktop environments and package managers. I come to a point of view.

The Chosen Size Is Not Valid for the Chosen File System 69850

Restore a bootable USB flash drive to normal on MacOS πŸ”— If you are trying to format a USB disk on Mac OS Mojave or newer and get the below error. The chosen size is not valid for the chosen file system. Go to Terminal and first check the USB device path $ diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme 500.3 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 314.

Code Optimization Tips With Examples

In this post, I will show you how to optimize your code with examples. Optimization for speed, readability and scalability. Almost all code snippets will be written in Go programming languages, but still .. all those tips are applicable in other programming languages like PHP, Javascript, Java, Kotlin, .. etc. Calculate it once πŸ”— calculating things again and again is horrible. It consumes CPU time more than actually needed. So we should stop re-calculating things.

Cutefish OS in Brief

Cutefish is an Arch-based Linux distribution which focuses on UI / UX. It is almost a Mac OS-clone (a.k.a Mac OS inspired). The desktop has the top bar with a global menu, and the bottom dock. It is Manjaro cutefish. If you want to check this Linux distribution, here is their official website .

Elementary OS in Brief

ElementaryOS is a modern looking Linux distro. It is built on Ubuntu, a.k.a β€œbased on Ubuntu”. Elementary focus on user experience and developers community. Elementary OS is focusing on the areas of problems which prevent Linux from being the common desktop operating system. Elementary tries to fix this bottleneck. Let’s discuss those things / ideas. Pay-what-you-want AppCenter πŸ”— Creating opensouce applications for Linux is not profitable at all. That’s a problem.

Ubuntu in Brief

Ubuntu is the defacto standard of Linux distributions. I love Ubuntu with GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu Look πŸ”— Ubuntu has a unique look. I can differentiate it by the brownish color of desktop UI, and the left long panel. I really think that putting the apps panel on the left is the best position as we need the vertical space more than the horizontal space. Stable & Reliable πŸ”— Ubuntu is based on Debian.

Pop OS in Brief

Pop! os is built on top of Ubuntu. So it is reliable and stable. Pop! OS is created by System76 which make sure that it has good support for gaming / Steam. Pop! OS has better support for gaming and laptop device drivers in comparison to other Linux distributions. Pop! Shop πŸ”— Pop! OS has an applications store that show applications from Ubuntu repo, Pop repo and Flatpak repo. So, you have access to more software tools and programs.

How to accept payments through Google Pay in Angular ?

To integrate Google Pay to your Angular project, install Angular component for Google Pay by this command. npm install @google-pay/button-angular Then register Google Pay button module to application module using this line of code. import { GooglePayButtonModule } from '@google-pay/button-angular'; Add it to imports in app.module.ts. imports: [ ... GooglePayButtonModule, ... ] Now, you can add google-pay-button like this. <google-pay-button environment="TEST" buttonSizeMode="fill" [paymentRequest]="paymentRequest" (loadpaymentdata)="onLoadPaymentData($event)" ></google-pay-button> And, in the typescript file, use this.