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Predictions for the Future of Programming Future in 2030

OCR Software made by Abanoub Hanna - Software Developer

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SEO in brief

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO helps your website owners rank your website pages higher in Google search results. SEO is for all search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex and …

Tags: Marketing

Create and remove swap files in Ubuntu Linux

Computers use RAM to store data and run programs and services. So, the data / programs in RAM are temporarily available β€” as you use the program or data. When you shutdown your computer, RAM will be …

[solved] How to fix csrf invalid in Jumia ?

Invalid CSRF token πŸ”— This error message means that your browser couldn’t create a secure cookie, or couldn’t access that cookie to authorize your login. This can be caused by ad-blocking or …

CSS & CSS3 Cheatsheet

CSS & CSS3 Cheatsheet

CSS is a language that describes the style of an HTML document. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS saves a lot of work becuase it can …

Laravel – Documentation and Code Snippets

Laravel is a framework for backend development for websites. It is written in PHP programming language. We use PHP to write website backend code in Laravel framework. A list of operators on Eloquent’s …

Kotlin for Android - Documentation and Code Snippets

All you need to start creating Android app in Kotlin. Kotlin Syntax πŸ”— Print to console πŸ”— print("Amit Shekhar") println("Amit Shekhar") Constants and Variables πŸ”— var name = "Amit …

Java for Android – Documentation and Code Snippets

All you need to create Android app in Java. Java Syntax πŸ”— Primitive Data Types πŸ”— byte short int long float double char boolean Java Operators πŸ”— Arithmetic: + , – , * , ? , % Assignment: = , -= , += , …

Javascript Cheatsheet – Documentation and Code Snippets

Javascript is a scripting language, created to run in the Internet browser but later used in all places!. Javascript is always shortened as js or JS. Javascript Syntax πŸ”— Variables πŸ”— // declare a …

How to Convert Arabic Numbers to Hindi Excel ?

if you want to convert numeric numbers (1234567890) to Arabic numbers (Hindi)(Ω‘Ω’Ω£Ω€Ω₯Ω¦Ω§Ω¨Ω©Ω ) select the area of cells that you want to change press ctrl + 1 for format cell go to custom and type this …

How to show hidden files in Finder in MacOS ?

Unveiling the Hidden: How to Show Hidden Files in macOS Finder Ever misplaced a file or folder in your Mac and suspect it might be hidden? Fear not! macOS hides certain system files by default, but …