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Is your Software Company a Feature Factory or Lean Startup ?
Progress π If your software company just focus on delivering features.. more features.. more abilities.. more things into that project.. you burning money! You assume that you know what the users β¦
3 Tips to have Long and Successful Creative Career
Start Before You’re Ready π If you are waiting to be ready to start, you will never start! Just start chasing your dreams and goals. You will learn more during your work. The process of success β¦

How to Inspect Hover Element in Chrome Dev Tools ?
If the hover effect is given with CSS then yes, I normally use two options to get this: The Tricky Way To See Inspect Hover π One, to see the hover effect when the mouse leave the hover area: Open the β¦
How to Calculate Age in Microsoft Excel ?
In the cell of age, write this =INT((TODAY()-B2)/365) where B2 is the location of the cell where the date of birth written. This code just caclulate the number of years passed. So you know the age of β¦
How to Use Systemd to Keep Programs Running ?
Systemd manages these services in unit files like this. [Unit] Description=Some Really Important Service [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/root ExecStart=/root/ [Install] β¦
How to Master a New Technology ?
Here are 4 steps to master any new technology. Quick Start Guide π Go to the official website of the new language, or framework. And find the quick start, or starter guide, or language tour, or β¦

All Javascript Optimization Tips & Techniques
Parsing Objects in Javascript π if you are using object like this. const data = {foo: 42, bar: 1337, ... }; use the JSON.parse() instead const data = β¦
Things To Do After Installing elementary OS Hera (5.1)
Enable PPA π sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common Install apt-fast π sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:apt-fast/stable sudo apt -y install apt-fast echo "alias β¦
How to Install Gnome Shell Extensions from ZIP File using command line
First check your gnome version: $ gnome-shell --version GNOME shell 3.36.4 Then go to location where your downloaded ZIP file, for me its Downloads directory. cd ~/Downloads/ Get the extension UUID β¦

Is Go better than PHP?
First, βweb developmentβ is a very broad term and might, therefore, mean a lot of things including server-side rendered HTML pages, JSON APIs, microservices, etc. Second, letβs define what makes a β¦