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Go Language Cheatsheet
Hello world 🔗 create a new directory with a name like hellogo. create a new file inside with the name main.go. add this code inside that main.go file. package main import "fmt" func main() { …
All Terminal Emulator Commands for Android
Terminal is a program to use your operating system in a CLI mode. CLI stands for command line interface. Terminal emulator is a program to emulate the terminal on Android smartphones. Here are all the …
Thoughts of a Web Framework in Go
I am thinking of a web framework in Go programming language. A framework similar to PHP Laravel and Ruby on Rails, but not too similar! We can create Laravel but in Go like what goravel is going to …
Google Patches Linux kernel with ~40% TCP performance
I watched a video from Hussein Nasser on YouTube about a patch from Google to get better performance at scale. Coco Li (from Google) explained of their cachline optimization effort to the networking …
A Complete Guide to Docker | Cheatsheet
What is docker ? 🔗 Docker is a platform for developing, deploying, and running applications in standardized units called containers. These containers package the application’s code, libraries, …
How to get the stdout of a command into the clipboard on Ubuntu Linux ?
Pre-installed Commandline Tools on Ubuntu 🔗 xsel comes preintalled in Ubuntu Linux. Actually XSEL is pre-installed with XServer if you are using it. You can copy with xsel like this. echo "text …
How to get the stdout of a command into the clipboard on Mac OS ?
Mac OS Native Commandline Tools 🔗 Mac OS comes with pbcopy to copy text, and pbpaste to paste the previously copied text. You can copy with pbcopy like this. pbcopy < id_bus_ssh_pass.txt or piping …
How to get a text file from a server I already SSHed into ?
I ssh into my server via this command. sudo ssh -i /Users/mbp/.ssh/authorized_keys/id_bus [email protected] When I click enter, I should write the sudo password. Then I write the password of …
Software I Use
I share with you all software I use as a software developer. Here is the list of all programs, apps, .. all software products and services. Web Browser 🔗 I use Google Chrome, Google Chrome Dev, …
Vim cheatsheet | navigation, editing, insert mode, visual mode
Vim is an efficient text editor used in terminal (CLI). Vim is mostly used by programmers. There is a new VIM fork called NeoVIM or nvim. It is great and modern with better capabilities. All things in …