Breadcrumbs or a customized back button ? | Web UX & UI

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I am wondering, should I create a full breadcrumb like this home > posts > a post title or just a customized back button like this <- see all posts ?

Let’s compare!

Using breadcrumbs gives the full path with details, but it has high cognitive load especially if the user/visitor is not tech savvy.

Breadcrumbs gives a detailed clear location of where you are as a visitor in the website. But with more cognitive load; so most people just ignore the complicated breadcrumbs. I see that all the time when consulting or IT support non-tech people (and even some tech people).

a customized back button ๐Ÿ”—

Using a customized back button for navigation instead of the full fledged breadcrumb is easier for all users. But some people will find it more simpler than it should be. But it has low cognitive load; you can just look at it and understand its promise and use it.

A back button is great as it has just enough information to help you navigate the website. No more details about the architecture and design hierarchy of the website.

my chosen ๐Ÿ”—

I will go with the customized back button as it is good enough with lower cognitive load and understandable for all people.

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