Customized Software vs Standard Software
tldr π
Standard software is the software that is build for some functions to be used in several cases at many companies and shops.
Customized software is the software created to fit the specific needs of the company to make the company function as accurately intended.
I recommend standard software (tools) for small companies. But I recommend customized software (tools) for medium and big (large-scale) companies.
Why customized software existed ? π
Large-scale companies need more features and scalability and cloud-based features which we can’t find in the standard software tools.
So, large-scale companies need a customized software tools to manage their multi-national multi-language branches all over the world.
Why standard software existed ? π
Small to medium companies can use the common features needed to get the job done. So, software developers make a software tools and add common tasks and features to that tool, this tool is a standard software tool.
It is good enough with the needed functionalities for small companies and even for medium scale companies.
Which one should my company use ? π
From business perspective, you should use the tool that help get the job done with less time and/or money.
So, if you are a small company with tight budget, search for a standard software tool that almost fits the needs of your company.
But if you are managing a large-scale company with too many fancy cloud features, just start draft your custom software needs. Hire a team or another company to create your company’s custom software tool that fulfills the needs.
Final Thoughts π
Make sure to consider the common tools before going to unknown ones, and consider using standard software tools before start making your own custom software tool.