All Posts programming How To Disable WordPress Plugins In CPanel ?

How To Disable WordPress Plugins In CPanel ?

· 102 words · 1 minute read

How to disable WordPress plugins from CPanel in hosting company because I can not login to the WordPress admin dashboard ?

Here is a step by step guide:

  1. open file manager on your host.
  2. open public_html then wp-content then plugins, you’ll see all plugins listed as folders / directories.
  3. click on any plugin to rename it. just change the name a little bit to disable it. just add -bak or anything to disable the plugin. If you can’t rename it, just right click on a plugin folder and select rename from the dropdown menu.

Congratulations! You disabled a plugin from CPanel successfully.

Translations:  العربية (طريقة تعطيل إضافات ووردبريس عن طريق السي بانل CPanel)