A Complete Guide to Docker | Cheatsheet

Β· 3924 words Β· 19 minute read

What is docker ? πŸ”—

Docker is a platform for developing, deploying, and running applications in standardized units called containers. These containers package the application’s code, libraries, and dependencies, ensuring it runs consistently across different environments. Think of it like shipping containers for software, making it easier and faster to move your application around without worrying about compatibility issues.

Why Docker ? πŸ”—

  • Portability: Docker apps run consistently across different environments, from development machines to production servers, avoiding the “it works on my machine” problem.
  • Efficiency: Containers are lightweight and share the underlying operating system, making them resource-efficient compared to virtual machines.
  • Isolation: Applications in containers are isolated from each other, preventing conflicts and improving security.
  • Scalability: Scaling Dockerized applications is easy as you can simply spin up more containers as needed.
  • Speed: Docker allows for faster development, testing, and deployment cycles due to its standardized approach.

How to install Docker ? πŸ”—

Linux πŸ”—

To install docker on any Linux based distribution, use this code to run the script thst installs docker on your operating system.

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh

If you do not like running scripts, check the installation instructions for your Linux distro here .

macOS πŸ”—

To install docker on your macbook or mac mini or any mac os powered machine, use homebrew by this command brew install --cask docker or by installing the Docker Desktop .

Windows OS πŸ”—

To install docker on Windows 10 or Windows 11, check the instructions on the official docker website here .

I recommend installing docker on WSL2. Use these instructions to install Docker Desktop in the Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2.

Check version πŸ”—

Use docker version to show all detailed about the current installed version of Docker on your operating system.

$ docker version
 Cloud integration: v1.0.35+desktop.10
 Version:           25.0.3
 API version:       1.44
 Go version:        go1.21.6
 Git commit:        4debf41
 Built:             Tue Feb  6 21:13:26 2024
 OS/Arch:           darwin/amd64
 Context:           desktop-linux

Server: Docker Desktop 4.27.2 (137060)
  Version:          25.0.3
  API version:      1.44 (minimum version 1.24)
  Go version:       go1.21.6
  Git commit:       f417435
  Built:            Tue Feb  6 21:14:25 2024
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.6.28
  GitCommit:        ae07eda36dd25f8a1b98dfbf587313b99c0190bb
  Version:          1.1.12
  GitCommit:        v1.1.12-0-g51d5e94
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0

But if you want just the version of the docker, use docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}'.

$ docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}'

Container commands πŸ”—

  • docker create creates a container but does not start it.
  • docker rename rename the container.
  • docker run creates and starts a container in one operation.
  • docker rm deletes a container.
  • docker update updates a container’s resource limits.

So, you can..

  • docker start starts a container so it is running.
  • docker stop stops a running container.
  • docker restart stops and starts a container.
  • docker pause pauses a running container, “freezing” it in place.
  • docker unpause will unpause a running container.
  • docker wait blocks until running container stops.
  • docker kill sends a SIGKILL to a running container.
  • docker attach will connect to a running container.

To get info,..

  • docker ps shows running containers.
  • docker logs gets logs from container. (You can use a custom log driver, but logs is only available for json-file and journald in 1.10).
  • docker inspect looks at all the info on a container (including IP address).
  • docker events gets events from container.
  • docker port shows public facing port of container.
  • docker top shows running processes in container.
  • docker stats shows containers’ resource usage statistics.
  • docker diff shows changed files in the container’s FS.
  • docker ps -a shows running and stopped containers.
  • docker stats --all shows a list of all containers, default shows just running.

To import/export between a docker container and your operating system,..

  • docker cp copies files or folders/directories between a container and the local filesystem.
  • docker export turns container filesystem into tarball archive stream to STDOUT.

To execute a command inside the docker container,..

  • docker exec to execute a command in container.

Docker images πŸ”—

  • docker images shows all images.
  • docker import creates an image from a tarball.
  • docker build creates image from Dockerfile.
  • docker commit creates image from a container, pausing it temporarily if it is running.
  • docker rmi removes an image.
  • docker load loads an image from a tar archive as STDIN, including images and tags (as of 0.7).
  • docker save saves an image to a tar archive stream to STDOUT with all parent layers, tags & versions (as of 0.7).

To get info about images,..

  • docker history shows history of image.
  • docker tag tags an image to a name (local or registry).

Cleanup old and obsolete docker images πŸ”—

You can use docker image prune to remove all dangling images which are not in use.

$ docker image prune
WARNING! This will remove all dangling images.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Deleted Images:
untagged: redis@sha256:2e9892520a3d5edc5cf7090056c7ab372b4cc26d8ee8108205977235e92a65c8
deleted: sha256:4733b14e6f4cedc8f3a5069939351055aa4faa6c9e0e8d3add0e641c7617d18e
deleted: sha256:df1913e7ee52dcf15a5a74858c2145c8e1903ca5ca621111718333d96bb3d398
deleted: sha256:302eaa329659c891f5137e6eb5d9a7c0e12a2391270e793b66d70bac1ee7d7cb
deleted: sha256:f9cecf9e9161e5eeb01e2f2c02b8690835529abb34c2950f4357165dcf8c400e
deleted: sha256:df16bb6ee1385d259108594853574ccfac6618251524f1f322e677016350aaba
deleted: sha256:94056d6f643e7d20c1c8d0804b78561d7b3854d6abed4f205e0ccec3fd7994cb
deleted: sha256:24302eb7d9085da80f016e7e4ae55417e412fb7e0a8021e95e3b60c67cde557d
untagged: getmeili/meilisearch@sha256:2a8bda1f316d01d908957928e18b276b6fa00c3bd896414901377b6d618c9fdc
deleted: sha256:2d47191720962da801ef14473dafe09a090629c78fe32df8d6746064723dc22e
deleted: sha256:b042ac4ed43132e0049fff0a890967860a879e05ceef260e6b7fd3657574d7b6
deleted: sha256:eee83123ab2c04d600b97f7d07265cf2b8f53cc9ca1cad2ecf4e04a192925c8e
deleted: sha256:945f073e5c96258fc809f0418d509bb9592b50b15aab8a2676cf5b5fe64dc825
deleted: sha256:97615b9b81c02455b3212af58a44e329ac27321c72aaeb33c5fd8409df11a9f2
deleted: sha256:5bc340f6d4f5a3bc999dfbc790a0bdf0920b9103ef794645034de4260ee4e9c8
untagged: selenium/standalone-chrome@sha256:38bb75fb9c8ad82e1eee6f299b612a09d9c874ecde1d776beddc2eb0bdcb0bea
deleted: sha256:1ac7ccac8ba0f009813fe25278de5ba919f10e636d54531ce48c23474c706f2f
deleted: sha256:10f4fb17c48edfbdb79eeaa5ca94cad1e5171fcf520d49f3917be9f40d2e878c
deleted: sha256:76e5589dce9939872963f73cece5e36cdb383978b9e66481af5dfc31aef4b4b8
deleted: sha256:95b0e4f3714edb62960a4e13f8c054c9809dab4ebdcb6115e2890f840028cde9
deleted: sha256:7c5f760d6db19c7ed60038e5a13cdd9073ab816deedd73f3c01f3995b90989e1
deleted: sha256:eb1ec92eafe5e11a6b83bcf6f1a16eb4a5024baabb3460e1e0b3bcf18d250b05
deleted: sha256:9af256269cd1198f665bb3b02d1774c33e30f44d148dfa318b410c44893148b8
deleted: sha256:cbb212757eb29cffb070861b8052e8943c44614e09300436a841abad2929cbfc
deleted: sha256:429928dfade1d2bd23de19ab660209c4a13c8bf33f9baafb4078bd532196b345
deleted: sha256:18e09d185eb907fbf0a557a94f40ec1af021e1172f88eb09ea4e82e5198010fe
deleted: sha256:7a8626a6b7a442273c7fb28d3110a7c15b0fc6b12757a8de7773b25ef5530ea7
deleted: sha256:fa32e7f5caa1ef16ac93377090fcd8bfa0d5c652fde5d673136af4d875e4b27f
deleted: sha256:7a0ac3af95b12ff9e0333fbd2f88184476c46393f8a7aa56dc92990b624f4582
deleted: sha256:a709ca365e9a3bc353573257325a4300805d6325a9b86d1b6687ed1ad53e2c06
deleted: sha256:0d10483ec093adb3258df04ce1c3b77d144a4066de761a59bb5ed9a829bd258d
deleted: sha256:7825aefca979f4a2b534cd99490595e34aa1a93fd79057568bb41592d3213c94
deleted: sha256:8258ae53da65f9c9ae90aa8be858aaf0ea0ad9429358032a03e439b2fe1ee920
deleted: sha256:fe4c97d9a155bcd92e5ec53e92a03faacb5dba97c5c020e2edd19aa7e9e97747
deleted: sha256:87391c707b7c6a71af6dfb4456ae736b5f2b3903ef0516412b5a62e9f5d1d911
deleted: sha256:deeebce90949366d65acaeae1d383682a8ef8ab8eef7c583449502902634e3b3
deleted: sha256:b0e2461905b58934a0fe82667c1b0b8e6ebb401123052fe3847e25fe09e0070a
deleted: sha256:e2162b38474938bdea40a7b5eddcd700a3a1b1c1caf98c258dfea1799477647f
deleted: sha256:df6491f6dc5e0dfb0e5bce9141cdf337cbef4bc36443738a2c8470cb2b6b9c1f
deleted: sha256:7b3085d0361c7dfaed2c497ec242662feeeb7755c3edcf557157835fc11a3f7f
deleted: sha256:5f8d42ca32302df8b1ce68bcbb159682a794379513692b6cc42b0e07261bc2ed
deleted: sha256:8dbe55f747aa65f3b160afab239182b60424bdad700bd1432f9cb61eaf730ad3
deleted: sha256:e8976f47820bbd3d15915fa4aab68cd7f6f9910e4725933c18075b985e811543
deleted: sha256:718613ce031b4a4a4c4a400ae209a75c32b2faa9b4636d514a722dc39c65e437
deleted: sha256:16a3a585d14e65ee438c2c6cc38046c58c83a790a50cfe68fb43324d25ce05d0
deleted: sha256:fb0604cab45a3499ee04c9bc7e3e46e0376bfcef5b57e40f8fbc5ab9b4bb0288
deleted: sha256:9174882773064aea5b8a9d2f6f9969b925dee70bec7e792feaa3ca4c2a7fed2e
deleted: sha256:29487e3552bd1a9d945543310db92d1ff14970d0e5fdc71f486d8367a2fb308b
deleted: sha256:b1dc4377f1515557f30f7feaf168e8316dc75b2b7fd76c36159d0b1317164f26
deleted: sha256:6021993d84a2d9db89ec74cf44366ae3f2d9f9810f3c77b2bd0cd5ddf14825b1
untagged: getmeili/meilisearch@sha256:94bb999a7c7afa81a64872186b553699213614f705824dd73909a2556fd9b132
deleted: sha256:9e8344e03fced960d79f7bc104b72ca99805b9e829ef192b0cdcbde849821779
deleted: sha256:f2f9933444bd21923f1e197f9e4ec0390778049d5c04a192e17dbda1de1374ad
deleted: sha256:438e5e9031a80c9a213723e43bfe61ae111ee7784b2c3c60002707cb6247d78e
deleted: sha256:a2cf4261d9af664cbefa7fe09a10f4ed41b0998f73a1a0e52ec1e0e21c4a0bd9
deleted: sha256:1cce3450bd49ca7bf0bb55efc3753c99704bd51bf9e9b1c148020ea8244c8503
deleted: sha256:b541d28bf3b491aeb424c61353c8c92476ecc2cd603a6c09ee5c2708f1a4b258
untagged: redis@sha256:0859ed47321d2d26a3f53bca47b76fb7970ea2512ca3a379926dc965880e442e
deleted: sha256:1c1b270ed4205d69c4718b9a31a9dfac8565979ec2f404e4a4102cd053cb7b14
deleted: sha256:17e96dc22bb290787876759e528500f564ec7508025b96da34735bf88c1f4c9d
deleted: sha256:97dbe1900eef057918dcce284a6699f1a2a0c4b44d0df26894d73cdb4044029c
deleted: sha256:d3596a5d002d96a3cc27664ea0a09b73d15691423fe1db4db433584803559e7d
deleted: sha256:98b397c310bc428f59901328b34322788f96a7c9955dd95026a5d00dc245d67c
deleted: sha256:8f2b74175c09cdf2332343e83eb52f26e008c5e4f37d55bf3a8c1c632bebffa6
untagged: mysql/mysql-server@sha256:1a8d2a5584e53a42a43cbd430ae340a36942afee9e14a86624a2cb2d90ce655b
deleted: sha256:5a9594052aecd873d2dc606c7148ac0983ebfbe1604eae9a215071a9cda0fb56
deleted: sha256:4e13c6ba21197af1227b5f8756e6f922e2fc78fc4426e5fe29020c3a233e7d65
deleted: sha256:95ce703aaf1ecd17cf4649c8bc7c5c172abb01e81ed0f2dc094558d8683debe0
deleted: sha256:0000b463a5f1349913099b9d1cb538055c3f313836b4a44441aea0f0dd8ea42b
deleted: sha256:00e8ddc2f20e94154458e959b058fa813ee0c61ac4bd72e489482d40339bc06c
deleted: sha256:e2f249a3d350f2ac61d07dac50a5afc7806d5e2c6f4d702634010817e3e66fd4
deleted: sha256:c4b2de44f1992d196584ad41b29ff2868a55598b2c5b5a46739376aa2696eab0
deleted: sha256:d2db75568ee66eaf993c0287d9d570a94ead0b249cdb311d21ff14cd80fd03e4
deleted: sha256:3eca945cf19f1d55bde2a591a10e7a6af1be5ea4d64a385d71a6efeaa02f5965

Total reclaimed space: 2.016GB

That freed up 2GB of storage on my operating system.

We’ll talk about more commands to cleanup and delete obsolete things below.

Load/Save docker image πŸ”—

Load an image from file:

docker load < my_image.tar.gz

Save an existing image:

docker save my_image:my_tag | gzip > my_image.tar.gz

Import/Export container πŸ”—

Import a container as an image from file:

cat my_container.tar.gz | docker import - my_image:my_tag

Export an existing container:

docker export my_container | gzip > my_container.tar.gz

Difference between loading a saved image and importing an exported container as an image πŸ”—

Loading an image using the load command creates a new image including its history. Importing a container as an image using the import command creates a new image excluding the history which results in a smaller image size compared to loading an image.

Networks in Docker πŸ”—

  • docker network create NAME Create a new network (default type: bridge).
  • docker network rm NAME Remove one or more networks by name or identifier. No containers can be connected to the network when deleting it.
  • docker network ls List networks.
  • docker network inspect NAME Display detailed information on one or more networks.
  • docker network connect NETWORK CONTAINER Connect a container to a network.
  • docker network disconnect NETWORK CONTAINER Disconnect a container from a network.

Docker Registry & Repository πŸ”—

  • docker login to login to a registry.
  • docker logout to logout from a registry.
  • docker search searches registry for image.
  • docker pull pulls an image from registry to local machine.
  • docker push pushes an image to the registry from local machine.

Dockerfile πŸ”—

The configuration file which sets up a Docker container when you run docker build on it. See docker docs on the configuration file here .

  • use .dockerignore file.
  • FROM Sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions.
  • LABEL Set the Author field of the generated images.
  • RUN execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results.
  • CMD provide defaults for an executing container.
  • EXPOSE informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime. NOTE: does not actually make ports accessible.
  • ENV sets environment variable.
  • ADD copies new files, directories or remote file to container. Invalidates caches. Avoid ADD and use COPY instead.
  • COPY copies new files or directories to container. By default this copies as root regardless of the USER/WORKDIR settings. Use --chown=<user>:<group> to give ownership to another user/group. (Same for ADD.)
  • ENTRYPOINT configures a container that will run as an executable.
  • VOLUME creates a mount point for externally mounted volumes or other containers.
  • USER sets the user name for following RUN / CMD / ENTRYPOINT commands.
  • WORKDIR sets the working directory.
  • ARG defines a build-time variable.
  • ONBUILD adds a trigger instruction when the image is used as the base for another build.
  • STOPSIGNAL sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit.
  • LABEL apply key/value metadata to your images, containers, or daemons.
  • SHELL override default shell is used by docker to run commands.
  • HEALTHCHECK tells docker how to test a container to check that it is still working.

Docker Volumes πŸ”—

  • docker volume create creates a new volume/drive.
  • docker volume rm removes a volume/drive.
  • docker volume ls lists all volumes/drives.
  • docker volume inspect get all info about volumes/drives.

You can map MacOS host directories as docker volumes like this:

docker run -v /Users/mbp/projects/test_app/src:/src

Docker-Compose πŸ”—

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.

By using the following command you can start up your application:

docker-compose -f <docker-compose-file> up

You can also run docker-compose in detached mode using -d flag, then you can stop it whenever needed by the following command:

docker-compose stop

To optimize your local storage space, you can delete Docker things which are not in use.

a summary of the space currently used by different docker objects πŸ”—

I use docker system df to show all Docker objects consuming local storage space.

$ docker system df
Images          19        4         9.262GB   9.021GB (97%)
Containers      7         0         3.91GB    3.91GB (100%)
Local Volumes   33        0         1.558GB   1.558GB (100%)
Build Cache     136       0         3.98GB    3.98GB

If you want to show more storage space consumption details, add -v flag to the command.

$ docker system df -v
Images space usage:

<none>                       <none>    7eb764bcde38   10 days ago     1.07GB    1.069GB       0B            1
tesstrain                    latest    f7d34a028bc8   10 days ago     1.07GB    1.069GB       0B            3
<none>                       <none>    733f85f0cfd5   10 days ago     1.08GB    835.2MB       241MB         1
sail-8.1/app                 latest    5aebc0769ff7   11 days ago     936MB     0B            935.7MB       0
selenium/standalone-chrome   latest    40b121a3cd73   12 days ago     1.23GB    0B            1.229GB       0
sail-8.3/app                 latest    7b83b24ea229   5 weeks ago     1.23GB    0B            1.227GB       0
memcached                    alpine    fba850e40285   7 weeks ago     14.8MB    7.377MB       7.443MB       0
redis                        alpine    20658529aaf6   7 weeks ago     46.1MB    7.377MB       38.7MB        0
postgres                     15        d366292ba654   8 weeks ago     419MB     0B            419.3MB       0
getmeili/meilisearch         latest    b93c6bfb0152   2 months ago    137MB     0B            136.5MB       0
kartbusinessapi-app          latest    bcc4f98fe4e7   3 months ago    821MB     0B            820.5MB       0
postgres                     latest    fbd1be2cbb1f   5 months ago    417MB     0B            417MB         0
sail-8.2/app                 latest    6d7bbc81efe4   9 months ago    917MB     77.81MB       839.4MB       0
ubuntu                       latest    3b418d7b466a   10 months ago   77.8MB    77.81MB       0B            2
axllent/mailpit              latest    13787536b69f   10 months ago   24.5MB    0B            24.46MB       0
laravelsail/php82-composer   latest    278039c7a819   12 months ago   532MB     0B            532.1MB       0
mysql/mysql-server           8.0       1d9c2219ff69   13 months ago   496MB     0B            495.9MB       0
mysql                        5.7       459651132a11   19 months ago   429MB     0B            428.9MB       0
mailhog/mailhog              latest    4de68494cd0d   3 years ago     392MB     0B            392MB         0

Containers space usage:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND       LOCAL VOLUMES   SIZE      CREATED        STATUS                     NAMES
e207702fb99d   tesstrain      "bash"        0               1.22GB    10 days ago    Exited (0) 9 days ago      strange_poincare
02629285a1b7   7eb764bcde38   "bash"        0               1.22GB    10 days ago    Exited (0) 10 days ago     tender_spence
9c32dcd5482f   tesstrain      "bash"        0               1.21GB    10 days ago    Exited (130) 10 days ago   goofy_mclaren
e880f29703ab   tesstrain      "bash"        0               135MB     10 days ago    Exited (127) 10 days ago   gallant_leavitt
1ff7a0b3fee7   733f85f0cfd5   "bash"        0               133MB     10 days ago    Exited (2) 10 days ago     hungry_bose
88633b270a69   ubuntu         "/bin/bash"   0               17B       9 months ago   Exited (0) 9 months ago    mystifying_ellis
2e52f25eec2b   ubuntu         "/bin/bash"   0               51B       9 months ago   Exited (0) 9 months ago    eloquent_borg

Local Volumes space usage:

VOLUME NAME                                                        LINKS     SIZE
paymentsystem_sail-mysql                                           0         196.3MB
076cb6e7af0c19054dcf1a5726b7822401a9acaad319dc249d980717fcff456d   0         49.51MB
900f9099c92a0f797794373cbe74380794d508ee4a0b39314e31abfe730ce2a8   0         0B
e3d6043220bc4df640fb32a63dc4be6c72cf19777f7d25432951677c4a1ff51c   0         49.51MB
f514e9c1f9fd633af9b82ca146a6657245753727e4a88912fd1d761a42281c2d   0         49.51MB
kartbusinessapi_postgres-data                                      0         47.59MB
d2f3711842e60407ce582c93ee3cd927a0caa14f724296b5fa18f6ce3e659f3a   0         0B
lokastoresweb_sail-redis                                           0         89B
sohagstores-i3_sail-mysql                                          0         190.8MB
99ffb88a209d64cc3c0907c30723f2f19533942aa600e31a19ce3d30e4a7b4d9   0         49.51MB
b847bdb03d98d37f6d09e606c8cc3070e8000773e8d4f205b09987f901642dab   0         49.51MB
d1175b1994d8144b8fcfa0c7ec3d6486161393b8a366372cb7f02a2ec6a9005d   0         0B
fbff9ca11cba046e064dfb8aee42e0bd903040d3e949c4bcc55a4f49e8f21e37   0         49.51MB
lokastoresweb_sail-meilisearch                                     0         98.34kB
51ed2e487052e057a800d5aa3c61e81da0ff92fbb017469b1a42a1b18a537004   0         49.51MB
6712d97e2713f38a510268c0c0c122daea4bf4b7d1d3a602bc7dceca1ae4d195   0         0B
97181cdcf47789e463ab9a024463ec69cdff1014ba116131a0b0a7e5aa6b4b76   0         0B
kartbusiness-docker_sail-mysql                                     0         231.8MB
lokastoresweb_sail-mysql                                           0         247.9MB
da60c5293f4927304b5b3996c2fd809977ce43814c23c13b58a2506fcd903d14   0         0B
e06de51a763e9c4e6d4c6949066884759cba5d5e7283eb031278297b91dd04f6   0         0B
ed2f78ec11ffcfc5adf8f012d620c0f5ad0f8b2889184ada6f531c8edee29e35   0         49.51MB
kartbusiness-docker_sail-redis                                     0         88B
c6175dab16d541677ba35f8f862830f52adceb150848284fcbc3af87be13f63d   0         0B
03809969191a91f611243ab70cd85a761265e1a5fa04a28f47a8cf6fdc4447ac   0         0B
2cce21aa5eb7162987a5dc4996d68671d639b7d98af73f5d2e93444b9cf094ba   0         49.51MB
84c279c2204ac9c8922df97016cc956af968333ed8ebcc73173a6876ebaf8796   0         0B
b32bd5e19ee9c6125d4ce2cafc53007072da0a40a94731cd3fb3a4f5a1c200ee   0         0B
c26fe4260828a01e22f3b0b61810309e44fc39bb820d154e3aac14d5d974d493   0         49.51MB
8d5e407b94ca24ae2e7a805368b1563c1c71a6eaeed1940d639da0a1f07dbea3   0         49.51MB
f2f9744061377d4acd7e29e5b1f989efc4ebe25e5401c63d50ba6729e973b8e8   0         49.51MB
f8d682b55b2f5451f28341b54ed40c722f43db6d3e580150afc35cda28ee3682   0         49.51MB
kartbusiness-docker_sail-meilisearch                               0         94.25kB

Build cache usage: 3.98GB

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eqqpvx6lh8e2   source.local      0B        10 days ago     10 days ago     11        false

delete ALL unused data πŸ”—

You can use this command docker system prune to delete containers stopped, volumes without containers and images with no containers.

$ docker system prune
WARNING! This will remove:
  - all stopped containers
  - all networks not used by at least one container
  - all dangling images
  - unused build cache

Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Deleted Containers:

Deleted Images:
deleted: sha256:733f85f0cfd5ed8968895d3ce30f24b442e519d5e2c5aa0639516f31cac4655a
deleted: sha256:7eb764bcde3848cf716defa3ec413e46ecaa75bdf47fa626e17b75777b9b7c4c

Deleted build cache objects:

Total reclaimed space: 8.131GB

That command freed up 8GB of local storage space on my own macbook.

delete all stopped containers πŸ”—

You can use docker container prune to delete all stopped docker containers.

delete all volumes without associated containers πŸ”—

You can use docker volume prune to delete all volumes without associated containers.

remove unused networks πŸ”—

Use docker network prune to delete all unused networks. Unused network is not connected to any containers or do not have any containers attached to them.

I hope this post helps you. If you know a person who can benefit from this information, send them a link of this post. If you want to get notified about new posts, follow me on YouTube , Twitter (x) , LinkedIn , Facebook , and GitHub .

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