[OS] GNU Linux : A Whole Category of Operating Systems

· 197 words · 1 minute read

GNU Linux is a category of all operating systems with a Linux kernel inside. The Linux kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds.

GNU Linux operating systems are — for example — Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, Arch Linux, Pop!_OS, Elementary OS, Fedora Linux, Zorin OS, Manjaro, RedHat Entreprise Linux (RHEL), Deepin, Solus.

If you like any of them, you can try it out from a live bootable USB drive without installation.

My Preferred OS 🔗

I prefer Ubuntu as my operating system of choice. Here is some information which may affect my preference. I am a web developer and Android app developer. I like free and open source software. I tried Mac OS on my 15" macbook pro mid 2015 edition, Windows 7 on HP 250 laptop, Windows 10, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Pop!_OS, Elementary OS, Manjaro, Parrot OS, Kali Linux and Clear Linux OS.

I use Ubuntu, Mac OS, Debian daily in my software development.

I hope this helps.

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Translations:  العربية ([نظام تشغيل] جنو لينكس : عائلة ضخمة من أنظمة التشغيل)