All Posts programming gobrew | how many apps written in a specific programming language ?

gobrew | how many apps written in a specific programming language ?

ยท 406 words ยท 2 minute read

Gobrew is a little software tool built to count the packages, programs, or apps which are written in a specific programming language.

Gobrew is an open source software, and available on GitHub . It is written in Go programming language.

The programmer ๐Ÿ”—

Abanoub Hanna wrote gobrew to know if Rust used more than Go in production or otherwise .

How to install gobrew ? ๐Ÿ”—

You can install gobrew tool using Go toolchain by this command.

go install

Or install gobrew via snap package manager on Linux distributions.

snap install gobrew

gobrew in snap store on Ubuntu

Use cases ๐Ÿ”—

You can use gobrew to get the count of packages written in Go and distributed via homebrew package manager by this command.

$ gobrew -l go

List all languages and libraries and the count of the packages written in them.

$ gobrew -s
# of all languages/libraries/frameworks:  1545
pkgconf : 1747
cmake : 1184
go : 1132
[email protected] : 777
rust : 726
openssl@3 : 559
gettext : 496
autoconf : 458
automake : 437
libtool : 361
glib : 309
ninja : 296
meson : 251
openjdk : 233
node : 231
libpng : 193
certifi : 186
libyaml : 177
zstd : 157
boost : 156
freetype : 144
cairo : 143
jpeg-turbo : 140
readline : 128
# truncated for brevity

You can scroll through all the languages and libraries by piping the result into less like this.

gobrew -s | less

List all packages and apps which depend on a certain programming language or library.

$ gobrew -d zig

 superhtml :
   HTML Language Server & Templating Language Library

 zf :
   Command-line fuzzy finder that prioritizes matches on filenames

 zigmod :
   Package manager for the Zig programming language

 bold :
   Drop-in replacement for Apple system linker ld

 fancy-cat :
   PDF reader for terminal emulators using the Kitty image protocol

 zigup :
   Download and manage zig compilers

 zls :
   Language Server for Zig

 asciigen :
   Converts images/video to ASCII art

 cargo-zigbuild :
   Compile Cargo project with zig as linker

 flow-control :
   Programmer's text editor

 hevi :
   Hex viewer

 ncdu :
   NCurses Disk Usage

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