kubectl Cheatsheet | Kubernetes
kubectl π
kubectl is a command-line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters.
List information about a resource with more details:
kubectl get pod|service|deployment|ingress|... -o wide
Update specified pod with the label ‘unhealthy’ and the value ’true’:
kubectl label pods name unhealthy=true
List all resources with different types:
kubectl get all
Display resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage of nodes or pods:
kubectl top pod|node
Print the address of the master and cluster services:
kubectl cluster-info
Display an explanation of a specific field:
kubectl explain pods.spec.containers
Print the logs for a container in a pod or specified resource:
kubectl logs pod_name
Run command in an existing pod:
kubectl exec pod_name -- ls /
kubectl run π
Run pods in Kubernetes. Specifies pod generator to avoid deprecation error in some K8S versions.
Run an nginx pod and expose port 80:
kubectl run nginx-dev --image=nginx --port 80
Run an nginx pod, setting the TEST_VAR environment variable:
kubectl run nginx-dev --image=nginx --env="TEST_VAR=testing"
Show API calls that would be made to create an nginx container:
kubectl run nginx-dev --image=nginx --dry-run=none|server|client
Run an Ubuntu pod interactively, never restart it, and remove it when it exits:
kubectl run temp-ubuntu --image=ubuntu:22.04 --restart=Never --rm -- /bin/bash
Run an Ubuntu pod, overriding the default command with echo, and specifying custom arguments:
kubectl run temp-ubuntu --image=ubuntu:22.04 --command -- echo argument1 argument2 ...
kubectl taint π
Update the taints on nodes.
Apply taint to a node:
kubectl taint nodes node_name label_key=label_value:effect
Remove taint from a node:
kubectl taint nodes node_name label_key:effect-
Remove all taints from a node:
kubectl taint nodes node_name label_key-
kubectl logs π
Show logs for containers in a pod.
Show logs for a single-container pod:
kubectl logs pod_name
Show logs for a specified container in a pod:
kubectl logs --container container_name pod_name
Show logs for all containers in a pod:
kubectl logs --all-containers=true pod_name
Stream pod logs:
kubectl logs --follow pod_name
Stream logs for a specified container in a pod:
kubectl logs --follow --container container_name pod_name
Show pod logs newer than a relative time like 10s
, 5m
, or 1h
kubectl logs --since=relative_time pod_name
Show the 10 most recent logs in a pod:
kubectl logs --tail=10 pod_name
kubectl get π
Get Kubernetes objects and resources.
Get all namespaces in the current cluster:
kubectl get namespaces
Get nodes in a specified [n]amespace:
kubectl get nodes --namespace namespace
Get pods in a specified [n]amespace:
kubectl get pods --namespace namespace
Get deployments in a specified [n]amespace:
kubectl get deployments --namespace namespace
Get services in a specified [n]amespace:
kubectl get services --namespace namespace
Get all resources in a specified [n]amespace:
kubectl get all --namespace namespace
Get Kubernetes objects defined in a YAML manifest [f]ile:
kubectl get --file path/to/manifest.yaml
kubectl expose π
Expose a resource as a new Kubernetes service.
Create a service for a resource, which will be served from container port to node port:
kubectl expose resource_type resource_name --port=node_port --target-port=container_port
Create a service for a resource identified by a file:
kubectl expose -f path/to/file.yml --port=node_port --target-port=container_port
Create a service with a name, to serve to a node port which will be same for container port:
kubectl expose resource_type resource_name --port=node_port --name=service_name
kubectl rollout π
Manage the rollout of a Kubernetes resource (deployments, daemonsets, and statefulsets).
Start a rolling restart of a resource:
kubectl rollout restart resource_type/resource_name
Watch the rolling update status of a resource:
kubectl rollout status resource_type/resource_name
Roll back a resource to the previous revision:
kubectl rollout undo resource_type/resource_name
View the rollout history of a resource:
kubectl rollout history resource_type/resource_name
kubectl create π
Create a resource from a file or from stdin
Create a resource using the resource definition file:
kubectl create -f path/to/file.yml
Create a resource from stdin
kubectl create -f -
Create a deployment:
kubectl create deployment deployment_name --image=image
Create a deployment with replicas:
kubectl create deployment deployment_name --image=image --replicas=number_of_replicas
Create a service:
kubectl create service service_type service_name --tcp=port:target_port
Create a namespace:
kubectl create namespace namespace_name
kubectl edit π
Edit Kubernetes resources.
Edit a pod:
kubectl edit pod/pod_name
Edit a deployment:
kubectl edit deployment/deployment_name
Edit a service:
kubectl edit svc/service_name
Edit a resource using a specific editor:
KUBE_EDITOR=nano kubectl edit resource/resource_name
Edit a resource in JSON format:
kubectl edit resource/resource_name --output json
kubectl label π
Label Kubernetes resources.
Label a pod:
kubectl label pod pod_name key=value
Update a pod label by overwriting the existing value:
kubectl label --overwrite pod_name key=value
Label all pods in the namespace:
kubectl label pods --all key=value
Label pod identified by pod definition file:
kubectl label -f pod_defination_file key=value
Remove the label from a pod:
kubectl label pod pod_name key-
kubectl describe π
Show details of Kubernetes objects and resources.
Show details of pods in a [n]amespace:
kubectl describe pods --namespace namespace
Show details of nodes in a [n]amespace:
kubectl describe nodes --namespace namespace
Show the details of a specific pod in a [n]amespace:
kubectl describe pods pod_name --namespace namespace
Show the details of a specific node in a [n]amespace:
kubectl describe nodes node_name --namespace namespace
Show details of Kubernetes objects defined in a YAML manifest [f]ile:
kubectl describe --file path/to/manifest.yaml
kubectl scale π
Set a new size for a deployment, replica set, replication controller, or stateful set.
Scale a replica set:
kubectl scale --replicas=number_of_replicas rs/replica_name
Scale a resource identified by a file:
kubectl scale --replicas=number_of_replicas -f path/to/file.yml
Scale a deployment based on current number of replicas:
kubectl scale --current-replicas=current_replicas --replicas=number_of_replicas deployment/deployment_name
kubectl apply π
Manages applications through files defining Kubernetes resources. It creates and updates resources in a cluster.
Apply a configuration to a resource by file name or stdin
kubectl apply -f resource_filename
Edit the latest last-applied-configuration annotations of resources from the default editor:
kubectl apply edit-last-applied -f resource_filename
Set the latest last-applied-configuration annotations by setting it to match the contents of a file:
kubectl apply set-last-applied -f resource_filename
View the latest last-applied-configuration annotations by type/name or file:
kubectl apply view-last-applied -f resource_filename
kubectl replace π
Replace a resource by file or stdin
Replace the resource using the resource definition file:
kubectl replace -f path/to/file.yml
Replace the resource using the input passed into stdin
kubectl replace -f -
Force replace, delete and then re-create the resource:
kubectl replace --force -f path/to/file.yml
kubectl delete π
Delete Kubernetes resources.
Delete a specific pod:
kubectl delete pod pod_name
Delete a specific deployment:
kubectl delete deployment deployment_name
Delete a specific node:
kubectl delete node node_name
Delete all pods in a specified namespace:
kubectl delete pods --all --namespace namespace
Delete all deployments and services in a specified namespace:
kubectl delete deployments,services --all --namespace namespace
Delete all nodes:
kubectl delete nodes --all
Delete resources defined in a YAML manifest:
kubectl delete --filename path/to/manifest.yaml
kubetail π
kubetail is an opensource utility to tail multiple Kubernetes pod logs at the same time.
Tail the logs of multiple pods (whose name starts with “my_app”) in one go:
kubetail my_app
Tail only a specific container from multiple pods:
kubetail my_app -c my_container
To tail multiple containers from multiple pods:
kubetail my_app -c my_container_1 -c my_container_2
To tail multiple applications at the same time separate them by comma:
kubetail my_app_1,my_app_2
kube-fzf π
It is an opensource utility.
Shell commands for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods.
Get pod details (from current namespace):
Get pod details (from all namespaces):
findpod -a
Describe a pod:
Tail pod logs:
Exec into a pod’s container:
execpod shell_command
Port-forward a pod:
pfpod port_number
minikube π
Run Kubernetes locally.
Start the cluster:
minikube start
Get the IP address of the cluster:
minikube ip
Access a service named my_service exposed via a node port and get the URL:
minikube service my_service --url
Open the Kubernetes dashboard in a browser:
minikube dashboard
Stop the running cluster:
minikube stop
Delete the cluster:
minikube delete
Connect to LoadBalancer services:
minikube tunnel
kubeadm π
Command-line interface for creating and managing Kubernetes clusters.
Create a Kubernetes master node:
kubeadm init
Bootstrap a Kubernetes worker node and join it to a cluster:
kubeadm join --token token
Create a new bootstrap token with a TTL of 12 hours:
kubeadm token create --ttl 12h0m0s
Check if the Kubernetes cluster is upgradeable and which versions are available:
kubeadm upgrade plan
Upgrade Kubernetes cluster to a specified version:
kubeadm upgrade apply version
View the kubeadm ConfigMap containing the cluster’s configuration:
kubeadm config view
Revert changes made to the host by ‘kubeadm init’ or ‘kubeadm join’:
kubeadm reset
kube-capacity π
kube-capacity is an opensource CLI tool.
Provide an overview of resource requests, limits, and utilization in a Kubernetes cluster.
Combine the best parts of kubectl top
and kubectl describe
into a CLI focused on cluster resources.
List nodes including the total CPU and Memory resource requests and limits:
Include pods:
kube-capacity -p
Include utilization:
kube-capacity -u
kubectx π
kubectx is an opensource
utility to manage and switch between kubectl
List the contexts:
Switch to a named context:
kubectx name
Switch to the previous context:
kubectx -
Delete a named context:
kubectx -d name
kubens π
kubens is an opensource utility to switch between Kubernetes namespaces.
List the namespaces:
Change the active namespace:
kubens name
Switch to the previous namespace:
kubens -
doctl kubernetes cluster π
Manage Kubernetes clusters and view configuration options relating to clusters.
Create a Kubernetes cluster:
doctl kubernetes cluster create --count 3 --region nyc1 --size s-1vcpu-2gb --version latest cluster_name
List all Kubernetes clusters:
doctl kubernetes cluster list
Fetch and save the kubeconfig:
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save cluster_name
Check for available upgrades:
doctl kubernetes cluster get-upgrades cluster_name
Upgrade a cluster to a new Kubernetes version:
doctl kubernetes cluster upgrade cluster_name
Delete a cluster:
doctl kubernetes cluster delete cluster_name
doctl kubernetes options π
Provides values available for use with doctl’s Kubernetes commands.
List regions that support Kubernetes clusters:
doctl kubernetes options regions
List machine sizes that can be used in a Kubernetes cluster:
doctl kubernetes options sizes
List Kubernetes versions that can be used with DigitalOcean clusters:
doctl kubernetes options versions
For more information, check out these docs π
- the official docs
- kubectl create, edit, describe, scale, replace, delete, .. and other kubectl commands .
- kubeadm
- minikube
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