Activate Microsoft Office 2019 Free Legally using Volume License
Install Microsoft Office 2019 🔗 While installing the office, do not write any product key, just click on x on the top right corner. Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe) in administrator mode 🔗 in Start …
How to Deploy Go lang Application on VPS Server?
I like to use Go programming language to write applications in server to handle services such as API and background processes. If you want to learn Go, visit the official Go website . In this tutorial …
10 Psychological Triggers to Make People Buy from You & Increase Conversions
1. Availability & Scarcity 🔗 Show a text when you have less products in stock like “only 5 items left”. So, people hurry up and buy now before they sold out. 2. Novelty 🔗 Sell new …
Is Ubuntu Good for Hacking?
Yes, it is good but not recommended. The recommended operating systems for hacking are Kali Linux and Parrot OS as they are dedicated for hacking and pentesting with ready-to-use tools and apps. So, I …
Is Ubuntu Better Than Windows?
To know if Ubuntu is better than Windows or not, we should compare important points. Here is a table of Ubuntu vs. Windows 10 comparison. Ubuntu Windows 10 price free 🆓 paid 💰 Security more secure 🔒 …
Is Ubuntu a Linux Distribution?
Yes. Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution for desktop and laptop computers. A Linux distritubtion (aka distro) is an operating system with a Linux kernel and GNU utility programs. Ubuntu is …
Is Ubuntu a Debian Based System?
Yes. Ubuntu is a Debian based operating system. Debian is an operating system using Linux kernel. Debian is known for its stability and reliability. So, Canonical built Ubuntu as an operating system …
Is Ubuntu an Operating System?
Yes. Ubuntu is an operating system. Its kernel is the Linux kernel. And the GNU utils which are the essential programs. And the desktop environment — which is the visible graphical interface — is …
Pure vs Impure Functions Performance
I read this post on and wondered if functional proramming and pure functions makes your code slower or faster. So, I want to know that. The impure implementation of fizzbuzz in Javascript 🔗 I …
Is Ubuntu Good for Programming?
If Ubuntu has the tools for programming. Source Code Editors 🔗 code : VS Code. vim neovide : The snappiest vim editor you are likely to find. text editor gedit PyCharm-Community : The most intelligent …