
Kart Business Project

Predictions for the Future of Programming Future in 2030

OCR Software made by Abanoub Hanna - Software Developer

Is Elementary Os Good for Programming?

If Elementary OS has the tools for programming. Source Code Editors 🔗 code : the source code editor provided by Elementary OS team. Visual Studio Code : Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined. …

How to promote iOS app?

submit your app for review on websites 🔗 Add your app as an alternative 🔗 is a website to list apps and software tools and their alternatives. Submit …

Tags: Marketing

Go vs Php 8 Performance

Compiled language vs Scripting language 🔗 Compiled code is faster than scripts with order of magnitude. Even after using a Just-in-time (JIT) compiler for PHP 7.4 and PHP 8 , PHP still slower than …

Filesystem Comparison: Ext4 vs Xfs vs Zfs vs Btrfs

Linux is known of giving us choices. You can choose your distro, desktop environment, .. and filesystem. Your choice of filesystem will impact performance, reliability, efficiency and security. So you …

Photoshop CC Missing Ctrl + Alt + M shortcut? - [Fixed]

The shortcut Ctrl + M is to edit curves in Adobe Photoshop. If you click Ctrl + Alt + M, the previously used curve will be shown. But on some laptop / PC computers, Ctrl + Alt + M shortcut seems NOT …

What is the best Ubuntu version for developers ?

If you are a developer and want to develop on Linux for Android or Web or Linux, you need a stable performant version of Ubuntu. Stability and Updates 🔗 Ubuntu has two main versions according to …

Remove Exact Frames vs Force 24 Fps

Removing exact frames 🔗 Video is composed of too many images, images come and go. We call each of those images a frame. So, if the video plays 30 images in time of a second, we call it is 30 …

About Clarity

Clarity in Programming 🔗 I hate it when clarity is not present. If you are a software developer trying to learn a programming language that has too many high level abstractions, you’ll feel it. …

My Vision for Teaching

The current education system is bad for humans. Why, What, How 🔗 The current education system focus on “what is this?” and “how to use it” and “how it works?” and …

Gtk or Qt or Flutter for developing Linux app ?

Gtk 🔗 Gtk is the FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) of Linux GUI development. It is being developed by GNOME foundation to be cross platform. Its latest release is Gtk4 with GPU acceleration and …