Code Optimization Tips With Examples
In this post, I will show you how to optimize your code with examples. Optimization for speed, readability and scalability. Almost all code snippets will be written in Go programming languages, but …
Cutefish OS in Brief
Cutefish is an Arch-based Linux distribution which focuses on UI / UX. It is almost a Mac OS-clone (a.k.a Mac OS inspired). The desktop has the top bar with a global menu, and the bottom dock. It is …
Elementary OS in Brief
ElementaryOS is a modern looking Linux distro. It is built on Ubuntu, a.k.a “based on Ubuntu”. Elementary focus on user experience and developers community. Elementary OS is focusing on the areas of …
Ubuntu in Brief
Ubuntu is the defacto standard of Linux distributions. I love Ubuntu with GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu Look 🔗 Ubuntu has a unique look. I can differentiate it by the brownish color of desktop UI, …
Pop OS in Brief
Pop! os is built on top of Ubuntu. So it is reliable and stable. Pop! OS is created by System76 which make sure that it has good support for gaming / Steam. Pop! OS has better support for gaming and …
How to accept payments through Google Pay in Angular ?
To integrate Google Pay to your Angular project, install Angular component for Google Pay by this command. npm install @google-pay/button-angular Then register Google Pay button module to application …
What is the difference between appcenter and appcenter (system-wide) in Elementary OS ?
It is very simple. If you chose appcenter (system-wide), the application will be available for all users on the system. But if you chose appcenter, the application you installed will be available for …
SEO in brief
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO helps your website owners rank your website pages higher in Google search results. SEO is for all search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex and …
Create and remove swap files in Ubuntu Linux
Computers use RAM to store data and run programs and services. So, the data / programs in RAM are temporarily available — as you use the program or data. When you shutdown your computer, RAM will be …
[solved] How to fix csrf invalid in Jumia ?
Invalid CSRF token 🔗 This error message means that your browser couldn’t create a secure cookie, or couldn’t access that cookie to authorize your login. This can be caused by ad-blocking or …