How to Create Bash Function ?
First step: create a file to add all your bash functions in it. 2nd step: add your bash function/s like this. ## convertMP4toMP3(){ echo -n "Enter source mp4 file : " read sourceFile echo -n "Enter destination mp3 file : " read destFile avconv -i $sourceFile -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 160k -ar 48000 $destFile } I created a bash function to convert mp4 video file to mp3 audio file from command line .
Convert mp4 to mp3 in Linux Terminal
First things first, install the required software packages. Most Linux distros ship with FFmpeg pre-installed but to ensure the required packages are installed, run this command anyway. sudo apt install ffmpeg && sudo apt install libavcodec-extra-53 After installation, let’s use it to convert mp4 video file into mp3 audio file. For FFmpeg with Constant Bitrate Encoding (CBR), use this command. ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn \ -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 160k -ar 48000 \ audio.
Adding GIF image in an ImageView in android
use android-gif-drawable library 🔗 add the following dependency to build.gradle file of your project. dependencies { implementation 'pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.2.19' } Use the view in XML file like this. <pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifImageView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:src="@drawable/src_anim" android:background="@drawable/bg_anim" /> For more customization and code, see the docs here . use VideoView on Android 🔗 You can use VideoView to show the GIF image. But the library is more efficient and smooth. use ImageView on Android 🔗 Use ImageView and Split the GIF file into several images and then apply animation to it.
How to make imageview over another view in Android ?
There are at least 3 ways to put imageview on another imageview. Simple Order 🔗 This way is just put the imageview after the other imageview in XML file. It is simple like that. The first view will be underneath the second one. Using FrameLayout 🔗 <FrameLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" > <ImageView android:id="@+id/imageView2" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/t" /> <ImageView android:id="@+id/imageView1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" /> </FrameLayout> The second image will be on top.
Comparing Two Integers in C Programming Language
Here is the code snippet in C programming language. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a, b; a = 11; b = 99; // to take values from user input uncomment the below lines − // printf("Enter value for A :"); // scanf("%d", &a); // printf("Enter value for B :"); // scanf("%d", &b); if(a > b) printf("a is greater than b"); else printf("a is not greater than b"); return 0; }
Elixir Cheatsheet - Elixir in Brief
Elixir is a dynamic functional compiled language that runs over an Erlang Virtual Machine called BEAM. Erlang and its BEAM is well known for running low-lattency, distributed and fault-tolerant applications. Elixir was designed to take all that advantages in a modern coding language. Elixir data types are immutable. In Elixir a function is usually described with its arity (number of arguments), such as: is_boolean/1. File Types 🔗 .exs => Elixir script file .
Python Cheatsheet
Python sys Variables 🔗 variable meaning argv Command line args builtin_module_names Linked C modules byteorder Native byte order check_interval Signal check frequency exec_prefix Root directory executable Name of executable exitfunc Exit function name modules Loaded modules path Search path platform Current platform stdin, stdout, stderr File objects for I/O version_info Python version info winver Version number Python sys.argv 🔗 sys.argv for the command: python bar -c qux --h sys.
PHP cheatsheet
PHP Array Functions 🔗 array_diff (arr1, arr2 …) array_filter (arr, function) array_flip (arr) array_intersect (arr1, arr2 …) array_merge (arr1, arr2 …) array_pop (arr) array_push (arr, var1, var2 …) array_reverse (arr) array_search (needle, arr) array_walk (arr, function) count (count) in_array (needle, haystack) PHP String Functions 🔗 crypt (str, salt) explode (sep, str) implode (glue, arr) nl2br (str) sprintf (frmt, args) strip_tags (str, allowed_tags) str_replace (search, replace, str) strpos (str, needle) strrev (str) strstr (str, needle) strtolower (str) strtoupper (str) substr (string, start, len) PHP Filesystem Functions 🔗 clearstatcache () copy (source, dest) fclose (handle) fgets (handle, len) file (file) filemtime (file) filesize (file) file_exists (file) fopen (file, mode) fread (handle, len) fwrite (handle, str) readfile (file) PHP Date and Time Functions 🔗 checkdate (month, day, year) date (format, timestamp) getdate (timestamp) mktime (hr, min, sec, month, day, yr) strftime (formatstring, timestamp) strtotime (str) time () PHP Regular Expressions Functions 🔗 ereg (pattern, str) split (pattern, str) ereg_replace (pattern, replace, str) preg_grep (pattern, arr) preg_match (pattern, str) preg_match_all (pattern, str, arr) preg_replace (pattern, replace, str) preg_split (pattern, str) Regular Expressions Syntax 🔗 regex meaning ^ Start of string $ End of string .
How to get currently running applications in android ?
Use this code in your app’s `src/MainActivity.kt’ file. import import import android.content.Context import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TextView import import java.util.* class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) title = "KotlinApp" val textView: TextView = findViewById( val activityManager = getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager val recentTasks: List<RunningTaskInfo> = Objects.requireNonNull(activityManager).getRunningTasks(Int.MAX_VALUE) for (i in recentTasks.indices) { textView.text = "Application executed: ${recentTasks[i].baseActivity!!.toShortString()}ID: ${recentTasks[i].id}" } } } Make sure you have a TextView with id textView in your XML layout.
Should I use Swift or Objective-C to learn iOS development ?
The Swift programming language is the standard features rich language to create iOS apps, iPadOS apps and MacOS X apps. The present and the future is just Swift on Apple ecosystem. Apple is perfecting Swift every year with updates and new features and capabilities. We are now in the era of SwiftUI, you should go for Swift already. Swift itself is a robust programming language. So go for it! it is standard for hiring, learning, creating apps for Apple operating systems.