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Git Secret Cheatsheet

git secret stores private data inside a Git repository. Written in Bash. Initialize git-secret in a local repository: git secret init Grant access to the current Git user’s email: git secret tell -m Grant access by email: git secret tell email Revoke access by email: git secret killperson email List emails with access to secrets: git secret whoknows Register a secret file: git secret add path/to/file Encrypt secrets: git secret hide Decrypt secret files:

Git Flow Cheatsheet

git flow is a collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations. Initialize it inside an existing Git repository: git flow init Start developing on a feature branch based on develop: git flow feature start feature Finish development on a feature branch, merging it into the develop branch and deleting it: git flow feature finish feature Publish a feature to the remote server: git flow feature publish feature Get a feature published by another user:

Gitmoji Cheatsheet

gitmoji: Interactively insert emojis on commits. Start the commit wizard: gitmoji --commit Initialize the Git hook (so gitmoji will be run every time git commit is run): gitmoji --init Remove the Git hook: gitmoji --remove List all available emojis and their descriptions: gitmoji --list Search emoji list for a list of keywords: gitmoji --search keyword1 keyword2 Update cached list of emojis from main repository: gitmoji --update Configure global preferences: gitmoji --config For more information, check its GitHub repo: https://github.

Convert Sgi to Pnm

sgitopnm is a tool to convert an SGI file to a PNM file. Convert an SGI image to a PNM file: sgitopnm path/to/input.sgi > path/to/output.pnm Display information about the SGI file: sgitopnm -verbose path/to/input.sgi > path/to/output.pnm Extract channel n of the SGI file: sgitopnm -channel n path/to/input.sgi > path/to/output.pnm For more information, check its docs: . I hope this post helps you. If you know a person who can benefit from this information, send them a link of this post.

Gitlab Cheatsheet

gitlab 🔗 Ruby wrapper for the GitLab API. Create a new project: gitlab create_project project_name Get info about a specific commit: gitlab commit project_name commit_hash Get info about jobs in a CI pipeline: gitlab pipeline_jobs project_name pipeline_id Start a specific CI job: gitlab job_play project_name job_id gitlab-runner 🔗 Manage GitLab runners. Register a runner: sudo gitlab-runner register --url <> --registration-token token --name name Register a runner with a Docker executor:

Git Extras Cheatsheet | release, scp, fork, alias, bulk, clear, repl, squash, ..

git extras 🔗 Git extension pack. Install or upgrade git-extras commands: git extras update Display help: git extras --help Display version: git extras --version git clear-soft 🔗 Clear a Git working directory as if it was freshly cloned with the current branch excluding files in .gitignore. Reset all tracked files and delete all untracked files: git clear-soft git release 🔗 Create a Git tag for a release. Create and push a release:

Git Cheatsheet | Distributed Version Control System

git 🔗 Distributed version control system. Execute a Git subcommand: git subcommand Execute a Git subcommand on a custom repository root path: git -C path/to/repo subcommand Execute a Git subcommand with a given configuration set: git -c 'config.key=value' subcommand Display help: git --help Display help for a specific subcommand (like clone, add, push, log, etc.): git help subcommand Display version: git --version git submodule 🔗 Inspects, updates and manages submodules.

kubectl Cheatsheet | Kubernetes

kubectl 🔗 kubectl is a command-line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. List information about a resource with more details: kubectl get pod|service|deployment|ingress|... -o wide Update specified pod with the label ‘unhealthy’ and the value ’true’: kubectl label pods name unhealthy=true List all resources with different types: kubectl get all Display resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage of nodes or pods: kubectl top pod|node Print the address of the master and cluster services:

kube fzf Cheatsheet | fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods

kube-fzf is an opensource commandline tool to fuzzy search Kubernetes Pods. Shell commands for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods. Get pod details (from current namespace): findpod Get pod details (from all namespaces): findpod -a Describe a pod: describepod Tail pod logs: tailpod Exec into a pod’s container: execpod shell_command Port-forward a pod: pfpod port_number More commandline utilities dealing with Kubernetes: kubectl, kubens, kubeadm, kubetail and kubectx. Read other similar software cheatsheets: fzf and sk .

sk Cheatsheet | Skim Fuzzy Finder

sk is an opensource fuzzy finder written in Rust. Start skim on all files in the specified directory: find path/to/directory -type f | sk Start skim for running processes: ps aux | sk Start skim with a specified query: sk --query "query" Select multiple files with Shift + Tab and write to a file: find path/to/directory -type f | sk --multi > path/to/file Read other similar software cheatsheets: fzf and kube-fzf .