[Solved] Parse Error : Syntax Error in wp-include/functions.php

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I faced this error parse error : syntax error, unexpected "." , expecting "&" or variable (T_VARIABLE) in wp-include/functions.php on line 1081.

This error is because there is two PHP versions loaded on the modules. So we should comment out one of them. So I commented out the php5 module. And everything worked fine.

First step, edit the httpd.conf file using this command.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Then add a # in front of the php5 module (or one of the two versions of PHP you have). Make sure that one [PHP] version is enabled.

comment the php5 module in httpd.conf

Then save the file, and restart apache server using this command.

sudo apachectl restart

Want to watch the fix as a video? here it is on YouTube .

This error is common on WordPress local installations. So make sure to understand the cause of it and how to fix it on your local server (LAMP stack).

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