Phishing Facebook Pages via Recommendation

· 349 words · 2 minute read

The hackers and stealers use new ideas and methods to convince you to click on their phishing page link. We discovered the direct message way in a previous post , and the recommendation way in another post .

The hacker stole a Facebook page or created one, named it “Ad Assistant Pro” which indicates that it is for advertising assistance from Facebook. The hacker uses their fake Facebook page to recommend your page. In the recommendation post, they add the alert message that warn you about your Facebook page is not compliant with their community standard.

The most important thing is to encourage you to appeal or ensure that it’s yours by clicking the damn phishing link.

phishing via recommend post

Notice that the link to somewhat sophisticated as it starts with Facebook.

use redirect link to phish Facebook users

This Facebook link is actually the link to redirect an external link. So when you click that phishing link, you’ll be warned by Facebook itself that you are leaving Facebook.

leaving Facebook to a phishing page

You are leaving to a vercel subdomain which can be owned by literally anyone.

not Facebook domain

The design is similar to Facebook design language/theme, but it is actually a fake website hosted on to serve as a phishing page to collect information/credentials of innocent Facebook users.

the complete phishing url

Look at the final phishing link, it is not one of the domains owned by Meta/Facebook which we mentioned in another post . It is a subdomain from a domain called which is a hosting company.

The page which the hacker talking from is a fake page. It has a Facebook page cover written in Arabic! and a weird name! and a weird page category (Electronics)!

fake hacker page

That fake page has 2 likes and 7 followers! The only published post is that fake post with the phishing link posted too many times.

Be cautious! Stay safe! and Take care!

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