How to Use Systemd to Keep Programs Running ?

· 204 words · 1 minute read

Systemd manages these services in unit files like this.

Description=Some Really Important Service



The program that will start is.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

while true; do
    echo 'service is working'
    sleep 3

If you don’t want to use this line #!/usr/bin/env bash, then you should make sure to specify what is the program is dedicated to execute the script like this.

ExecStart=/bin/bash /root/

If you want to execute this service, you should store it in /etc/systemd/system/. You can copy the unit file to that directory, or symlink it.

Now you can start or stop or enable or disable the service.

systemctl start samplestart the service or run it
systemctl stop samplestop the service
systemctl enable samplemake the service start automatically on the system boot
systemctl disable samplethe serice will not start when the system boot

To see what the services output, run this command.

journalctl -f

If we want to know the current status of the service, use this command.

systemctl status sample

If you want to list all services on your system, run this command.

systemctl list-unit-files

Want to know more information about services and their units, read more here .

Translations:  العربية (ازاي تستخدم الـ Systemd عشان تشغل البرامج دايماً ؟)