7 tips to optimize back-end written in Go

Β· 178 words Β· 1 minute read

1. Use the latest version of Go πŸ”—

Make sure you are using the latest version of Go to take advantage of all the performance improvements and bug fixes.

2. Use Goroutines πŸ”—

Goroutines are lightweight threads that can be used to run multiple tasks concurrently, which can significantly improve performance.

3. Use Profiling Tools πŸ”—

Profiling tools such as pprof can help you identify bottlenecks in your code and optimize them accordingly.

4. Use Interfaces πŸ”—

Interfaces allow you to write code that is more flexible and easier to maintain, while also improving performance by avoiding unnecessary type conversions.

5. Avoid Unnecessary Allocations πŸ”—

Allocations can be expensive, so try to avoid them whenever possible by reusing existing objects or using data structures that don’t require allocations (e.g., slices).

6. Use Caching πŸ”—

Caching can help reduce latency and improve performance by avoiding unnecessary calculations or database queries for frequently requested data.

7. Optimize Database Queries πŸ”—

Make sure your database queries are optimized for speed and efficiency by using indexes, caching, and other techniques as needed.

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