To Reach Perfection, Tools Must Be Boring
If you need to reach perfect outcome, you must use boring tools. When trying to open a laptop, you use a screwdriver which is a tool made too many years ago without any major improvements or hipster things.
Opinionated software 🔗
That’s the way tools must be. So to reach perfect software, you need a great tool that is backward compatible, fast, futureproof and simple enough to let you focus on the job at hand. That’s why I think “opinionated software” is the way to go.
Case: Go programming language 🔗
I love Go programming language because it is opinionated and everything is chosen by the Go team. Go is simple, fast, reliable, concurrent language.
Case: Angular web framework 🔗
I also like Angular because it is opinionated. But it is complicated, so I prefer VueJS for small projects.
Not Opinionated Software 🔗
If the tool is complicated such as C++ or Rust, the tool itself consumes the time instead of focusing on the job at hand — the software project.
So, I love Go programming language and C programming language. And I almost hate Javascript.
The Choice 🔗
If you agree with the opinions behind the creation and maintenance of the software tool, it is a pleasure to use it. But if you disagree with the opinions behind a software tool, try it. If you still don’t agree with the conventions of the tool, it is better for you to use another tool, as it is will be horrible experience for you to continue using it.
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