Why spam is banned online ?
What is spam ? 🔗 Spamming is doing the same thing too many times. For example, publishing the same comment 10 times on the same post. Another popular example is to send the same e-mail message to 100 …
How I improved Kartbusiness.com page loading speed from 52 to 94
I used PageSpeed Insights , to detect the performance bottlenicks so I can analyze and fix the performance issues. Here are all optimizations I did on KartBusiness.com to improve the PageSpeed …
Payment Gateways Egypt - the best, worst, and ugly
There are too many payment gateways in Egypt. Here is a non-extensive list of them. Fawry Pay Paymob PaySky Vapulus Kashier Easykash Cowpay Click2Shop OPay Tap Fawaterk PayTabs Amazon Payment Services …
Email Marketing: The Powerful Tool to Grow Your Business
Email marketing is a powerful and effective tool for business growth. It allows you to directly connect with your target audience, build strong customer relationships, boost sales, and achieve your …
Social Media Buttons in Kmt Theme
source code sharing sites 🔗 GitHub GitLab CodeBerg video sharing social media 🔗 YouTube Tiktok Instagram text-only sites 🔗 Medium StackOverflow chatting apps 🔗 Telegram WhatsApp General Social Media …
Better Alternatives to Facebook Ads
There are too many challenges with Facebook ads such as difficulty of paying in Egypt due to limits on dollar spend. But there are too methods to cope with these challenges or avoid them. Method 1: …
SEO optimization in Kmt Theme
KMT theme is the theme developed for websites powered by Hugo . Kmt theme is developed to be optimized for search engines. Minimal 🔗 Kmt theme is developed with minimalism in mind. The less code …
Making Your Website Shine on Search Engines: SSG vs. SSR for SEO
So, you’ve built a fantastic website, but how do you get people to find it? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key! This post dives into SSG (Static Site Generation) and SSR (Server-Side …
Does Kmt Theme Support Google Analytics?
Yes, KMT theme supports Google Analytics and gtag. Kmt theme is a hugo theme developed mainly for my bilingual website. You just need to add the google analytics / gtag id in hugo.toml. [services] …
Kmt Theme Features
Kmt is a minimal theme for HUGO especially made for my web blog. Why Kmt? 🔗 I named the theme Kmt after my country name. I am from Egypt. Egypt is called Kmt in the ancient egyptian language, so, I am …