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Is Ubuntu an Operating System?

Yes. Ubuntu is an operating system. Its kernel is the Linux kernel. And the GNU utils which are the essential programs. And the desktop environment — which is the visible graphical interface — is GNOME. Ubuntu has too many desktop environment beside GNOME. For example, it has KDE plasma and known as Kubuntu. You can use Ubuntu like you use Windows 10 or Mac OS. It is a great operating system.

Pure vs Impure Functions Performance

I read this post on and wondered if functional proramming and pure functions makes your code slower or faster. So, I want to know that. The impure implementation of fizzbuzz in Javascript 🔗 I used the javascript code from that articles of impure implementation of fizzbuzz and timed its execution by this command time node fizzbuzz-impure.js. for (let i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++) { if (i % 15 === 0) console.

Is Ubuntu Good for Programming?

If Ubuntu has the tools for programming. Source Code Editors 🔗 code : VS Code. vim neovide : The snappiest vim editor you are likely to find. text editor gedit PyCharm-Community : The most intelligent Python IDE. Sublime Text : Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. notepad-plus-plus : a free source code editor. Android Studio : The IDE for Android. phpstorm Eclipse IDEA Community notepadqq IDEA Ultimate webstorm CLion PyCharm EDU RubyMine Rider Apache NetBeans goland code-insiders tpad : Terminal text editor with GUI-like user interface.

Is Elementary Os Good for Programming?

If Elementary OS has the tools for programming. Source Code Editors 🔗 code : the source code editor provided by Elementary OS team. Visual Studio Code : Visual Studio Code. Code editing. Redefined. Android Studio : IDE to develop Android apps in Kotlin / Java / Dart (Flutter). Arduino IDE : electronic prototyping platform. Atom : text editor. BlueJ : Java IDE. Bluefish : text editor with many web software development extras.

Go vs Php 8 Performance

Compiled language vs Scripting language 🔗 Compiled code is faster than scripts with order of magnitude. Even after using a Just-in-time (JIT) compiler for PHP 7.4 and PHP 8 , PHP still slower than Go. Go is a clear winner. Concurrency 🔗 Go has concurrency as a built-in first class citizen. But PHP is good old language with no concurrency or parallelism in mind. The parallelism is achieved by executing scripts as a different process.

Filesystem Comparison: Ext4 vs Xfs vs Zfs vs Btrfs

Linux is known of giving us choices. You can choose your distro, desktop environment, .. and filesystem. Your choice of filesystem will impact performance, reliability, efficiency and security. So you need to know your fs options and alternatives. According to wikipedia, filesystem (fs) controls how data is stored and retrieved. Ext4 🔗 the defacto standard for desktop Linux distributions. journaling file system, so it is less likely to be corrupted by a crash or eletricity short.

Photoshop CC Missing Ctrl + Alt + M shortcut? - [Fixed]

The shortcut Ctrl + M is to edit curves in Adobe Photoshop. If you click Ctrl + Alt + M, the previously used curve will be shown. But on some laptop / PC computers, Ctrl + Alt + M shortcut seems NOT WORKING. NVidia GeForce graphics card capture that shortcut, so Photoshop doesn’t see the shortcut at all. The way to fix this issue is to remove the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + M from graphics card experience settings.

What is the best Ubuntu version for developers ?

If you are a developer and want to develop on Linux for Android or Web or Linux, you need a stable performant version of Ubuntu. Stability and Updates 🔗 Ubuntu has two main versions according to updating and upgrading; Long-term support (LTS) version and yearly upgrade version. Long-Term Support (LTS) Ubuntu 🔗 Ubuntu LTS is the version of operating system that is supported for 5 years of bug fixes and security fixes updates.

Remove Exact Frames vs Force 24 Fps

Removing exact frames 🔗 Video is composed of too many images, images come and go. We call each of those images a frame. So, if the video plays 30 images in time of a second, we call it is 30 frame-per-second video. We recording videos, there are some scenes with less motion which makes two or more adjacent frames (images) exactly the same. So we can compress those two identical images as one image, and reduce the total size of the video.

Gtk or Qt or Flutter for developing Linux app ?

Gtk 🔗 Gtk is the FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) of Linux GUI development. It is being developed by GNOME foundation to be cross platform. Its latest release is Gtk4 with GPU acceleration and too many features and advantages over the previous release (Gtk3+). GNOME desktop environment and Elementary OS use Gtk4 and Gtk3. Pop! OS started migrating from Gtk3 to Gtk4 with Rust programming language. Qt 🔗 Qt is a cross platform proprietary framework which works on desktop and mobile.