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What is the difference between \\r, \\n, \\t, and \\f in C programming?

These aren’t unique to “C programming”. These are various “control characters”, originally used to control the write-head and paper feeder on Teletype machines. \n is “line feed”. This would bump up the paper one line, whatever that was, but not move the write head. If you did abc\ndef, the teletype would print abc def \r is “carriage return”. This would cause the write head to return to its leftmost position.

Free space in your Mac for Mobile Development

If you are developing mobile apps for Android and/or iPhone and iPad, make sure to delete unused old software you installed in your journey to develop apps through months of updates and installations of libraries and tools. If you do not want to clean your xcode on Mac manually, there are DevCleaner for Xcode which helps your delete obsolete/unwanted software tools/libs/cache/log. Android Studio πŸ”— clean up Gradle πŸ”— Your Gradle Home directory contains wrapper, caches and daemons files.

Linux Mint in Brief

Linux Mint is a Linux distributions. It comes with a desktop environment called cinnamon DE. Cinnamon DE is similar to Windows 7 layout. So, too many people recommend Linux new users to start with it. Familiar Look πŸ”— Linux Mint has the familiar look of Windows 7. I can differentiate it by the greenish color of the desktop UI. Stable & Reliable πŸ”— Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu LTS. Ubuntu is a stable and reliable distro as it is based on Debian itself.

Don't show snap packages in lsblk command output

When your try to see blocks / devices in your Linux distribution that has snap pkgs installed on it, you’ll see too much devices (loop) but they’re not devices. They are actually snap packages. So, how not to show them in the output of the lsblk command. The lsblk command has an -e argument to help to exclude some devices/loops , so we can just exclude loops of snaps. All snap packages on my system has that 7 on them, so I can just exclude any device that has 7 in its description or title, so the command will be lsblk -e 7.

How to use dd to create a bootable USB stick ?

Using dd needs a geek or a developer! if you want to use graphical tools instead, use rufus , popsicle or ventoy . If you sure you want to use dd, here is the step by step guide. First, identify your USB stick (a.k.a USB drive) on your system using this command sudo fdisk –l. The USB stick in my case is /dev/sdb as you can see in the picture. So let’s unmount it via this command umount /dev/sdb*.

Popsicle - Linux utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel

Popsicle is a tool made by Pop! OS team. It is a simple tool to create bootable USB drive/stick. It is pre-installed on Pop! OS Linux distribution. Popsicle details in brief πŸ”— Features Value Open source Yes, on Github Free (of charge) Yes Programming language Rust can create a bootable Linux disro Yes can create a bootable Windows No Multilanguage (spoken languages) Yes English (the universal language) Yes uptodate yes, updated 3 days ago How to use Popsicle to create bootable USB sticks ?

Make Your Flutter App Slim and Trim: Size Optimization Tips

Ever published a Flutter app and winced at the download size? Here are some tricks to make your app svelte and save users precious storage space. Images πŸ”— Supercharge your Icons with SVG: Instead of clunky JPGs or PNGs, use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for icons and vector images. SVG icons are much smaller and won’t lose quality when resized for different screens. WEBP power: For photos, consider using WEBP instead of JPG or PNG.

Mac OS X Terminal: How to use option+delete to delete a word ?

I can backward delete a word using OPTION+DELETE on any text editor on Mac OS but I can’t use it to delete the last word I wrote on Terminal!! It is simple, just with a click of a box! Open Terminal, click on Terminal in menu bar, choose Preferences…, go to profiles tab, click on keyboard tab, check Use Option as Meta key. That’s it! we’re done. You can see the steps on this screenshot.

Fsck Exfat (fsck_exfat) Manual Page Apple Docs

I looked at Apple manual page online , and didn’t find the page. So I decided to add it here for reference when needed. FSCK_EXFAT(8) BSD System Manager's Manual FSCK_EXFAT(8) NAME fsck_exfat -- Verify and repair ExFAT file systems. SYNOPSIS fsck_exfat -q device ... fsck_exfat [-f] [-p] [-y | -n] [-g | -x] [-d] device ... DESCRIPTION The fsck_exfat utility verifies and repairs ExFAT file systems. The first form of fsck_exfat quickly checks the specified file systems to determine whether they were cleanly unmounted.

[Solved] Disk Utility Stuck on Wait Partition Activate

Fix corrupted exFAT disk macOS/OSX πŸ”— exFAT support on macOS seems to have some bugs because my external drives with exFAT formatting will randomly get corrupted. Disk Utility is unable to repair this at first, but the fix is this: Use diskutil list to find the right drive id. You want the id under the IDENTIFIER column, it should look like disk1s1 Run sudo fsck_exfat -d <id from above>. eg sudo fsck_exfat -d disk1s3 -d is debug so you’ll see all your files output as they’re processed.