
Kart Business Project

Predictions for the Future of Programming Future in 2030

OCR Software made by Abanoub Hanna - Software Developer

Filesystem Comparison: Ext4 vs Xfs vs Zfs vs Btrfs

Linux is known of giving us choices. You can choose your distro, desktop environment, .. and filesystem. Your choice of filesystem will impact performance, reliability, efficiency and security. So you need to know your fs options and alternatives. According to wikipedia, filesystem (fs) controls how data is stored and retrieved. Ext4 πŸ”— the defacto standard for desktop Linux distributions. journaling file system, so it is less likely to be corrupted by a crash or eletricity short.

Photoshop CC Missing Ctrl + Alt + M shortcut? - [Fixed]

The shortcut Ctrl + M is to edit curves in Adobe Photoshop. If you click Ctrl + Alt + M, the previously used curve will be shown. But on some laptop / PC computers, Ctrl + Alt + M shortcut seems NOT WORKING. NVidia GeForce graphics card capture that shortcut, so Photoshop doesn’t see the shortcut at all. The way to fix this issue is to remove the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + M from graphics card experience settings.

What is the best Ubuntu version for developers ?

If you are a developer and want to develop on Linux for Android or Web or Linux, you need a stable performant version of Ubuntu. Stability and Updates πŸ”— Ubuntu has two main versions according to updating and upgrading; Long-term support (LTS) version and yearly upgrade version. Long-Term Support (LTS) Ubuntu πŸ”— Ubuntu LTS is the version of operating system that is supported for 5 years of bug fixes and security fixes updates.

Remove Exact Frames vs Force 24 Fps

Removing exact frames πŸ”— Video is composed of too many images, images come and go. We call each of those images a frame. So, if the video plays 30 images in time of a second, we call it is 30 frame-per-second video. We recording videos, there are some scenes with less motion which makes two or more adjacent frames (images) exactly the same. So we can compress those two identical images as one image, and reduce the total size of the video.

Gtk or Qt or Flutter for developing Linux app ?

Gtk πŸ”— Gtk is the FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) of Linux GUI development. It is being developed by GNOME foundation to be cross platform. Its latest release is Gtk4 with GPU acceleration and too many features and advantages over the previous release (Gtk3+). GNOME desktop environment and Elementary OS use Gtk4 and Gtk3. Pop! OS started migrating from Gtk3 to Gtk4 with Rust programming language. Qt πŸ”— Qt is a cross platform proprietary framework which works on desktop and mobile.

Customized Software vs Standard Software

tldr πŸ”— Standard software is the software that is build for some functions to be used in several cases at many companies and shops. Customized software is the software created to fit the specific needs of the company to make the company function as accurately intended. I recommend standard software (tools) for small companies. But I recommend customized software (tools) for medium and big (large-scale) companies. Why customized software existed ?

Heavily Customizable Software vs Opinionated Software

Software Developing πŸ”— Writing and maintaining customizable software is harder and time-eating. Building too many features with configurations and settings is nightmare. Heavily customizable software tools are good for various people with slightly different needs. But look at that complexity and maintenance efforts. Developing opinionated software is not easy too. But at least you don’t have too many opposite features with different implementations. You can research and test features and choose the best features to get the job done easily focusing on the user experience.

How to add minimize button Elementary OS ?

Just open the Terminal app, and copy-paste this command and click ENTER. sudo apt install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip.scott/elementary-tweaks sudo apt install elementary-tweaks then go to System Settings > Tweaks > Layout > Windows. That’s it. We’re done. What is going on ? πŸ”— Elementary OS team thinks the minimize button is not a needed feature as it makes you have too many opened and minimized apps. Elementary OS team thinks that makes your computer cleaner and performs better.

How to cut a video based on start and end time using ffmpeg ?

This is the fastest command to cut the video in ffmpeg . ffmpeg -ss 00:01:00 -i input.mp4 -to 00:02:00 -c copy output.mp4 note: the above command trims your video in seconds. explanation of command parts: -i : This specifies the input file. In that case, it is (input.mp4). -ss : Used with -i, this seeks in the input file (input.mp4) to position. 00:01:00 : the time your trimmed video will start with.

You don't need jQuery !

Published on Drew DeVault’s blog on August 19, 2013 . It’s true. You really don’t need jQuery. Modern web browsers can do most of what you want from jQuery, without jQuery. For example, take MediaCrush . It’s a website I spent some time working on with a friend. It’s actually quite sophisticated - drag-and-drop uploading, uploading via a hidden form, events wired up to links and dynamically generated content, and ajax requests/file uploads, the whole she-bang.