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How to display and control your Android device on laptop ?

If you are a software developer, just use scrcpy command line tool to display and control your android smartphone or tablet on a laptop. This application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. Install scrcpy on Linux πŸ”— To install scrcpy, just use snap package manager like this sudo snap install scrcpy. Choose your Linux distribution to get more information about installation.

How to compress files with xz and upload archive to Google cloud ?

First, install Google cloud command line tool and configure it. pip install gsutil Have your project id ready using gsutil config. Check docs for more info. Create the archive / compressed file tar --create --verbose --xz --file images.tar.xz /directory/containing/images/* Upload the archive/compressed file to Google cloud gsutil cp images.tar.xz gs://<bucket name>. replace <bucket name> with your Google cloud bucket name πŸ˜„. If you want to extract contents (images in this case) from archive, use this command tar -xf file.

How to remove an audio track from an mkv ?

You can use final cut pro x or iMovie on Mac OS, or Camtasia Studio or Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve on Windows, or DaVinci Resolve or Blender or Kdenlive or ShotCut on Any Linux distro. But I prefer command line tools. Install mkvtoolsnix or use HomeBrew to install it : brew install --with-qt5 mkvtoolnix. Use mkvinfo to get the audio track IDs that you want. command like this mkvinfo *.

Run Ubuntu with Multipass tool: Effortless Local Development

Effortless Local Development with Multipass: VMs for All (Windows, macOS, Linux) πŸ”— Developing applications often requires setting up specific environments to test and debug code. Virtual machines (VMs) are a popular solution, but managing them can be cumbersome. Enter Multipass, a user-friendly tool that simplifies local VM creation for developers on all major operating systems (Windows, macOS, and Linux). What is Multipass? πŸ”— Developed by Canonical, Multipass is an open-source command-line tool that streamlines the creation and management of lightweight Ubuntu VMs.

How to change the favicon in dark mode ?

How to display a different favicon in dark or light mode ? I have my Macbook set up to automatically switch between dark and light mode. I built a new website and I realized that I used a white image as favicon, and in light mode it was almost invisible! So I started searching for possible ways to add a favicon in dark mode and a different one in light mode.

How to change an HTML image URL in dark mode ?

Using CSS it’s pretty easy to apply changes if the system is in dark mode, using the prefers-color-scheme media feature. Today I wanted to change images on my website according to the theme chosen. If the user prefer dark mode, dark theme will be enabled but I want to show a dark-mode images instead of the default light-mode ones. But I want this to run from HTML not CSS nor Javascript.

10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 21.10

show battery percentage πŸ”— Here is the steps to show battery percentage. open the settings app select the power section switch on the toggle of the power percentage install a file preview tool πŸ”— If you used MacOS or ChromeOS, you know the ‘quick look’ preview app. This app show an interactive preview of a file, when you press spacebar. It is a good feature / app. You can use GNOME sushi as a file preview tool on Ubuntu Linux.

Unleash the Speed: Go Performance Optimization for Your Apps

Go, known for its simplicity and concurrency features, is a popular choice for building high-performance applications. But even the most elegant Go code can benefit from optimization techniques. This post explores performance optimization strategies in Go, drawing insights from practical examples. Common Performance Bottlenecks πŸ”— Inefficient Memory Usage: Unnecessary allocations, memory leaks, and improper data structures can significantly impact performance. Excessive Goroutines and Context Switching: While Goroutines are powerful for concurrency, managing too many can lead to context switching overhead.

The Only Introduction to Go (Golang) You Need

Go, or also called Golang, is absolutely trendy, and rightly so. It is not as difficult to learn as C or C++, but still quite fast, and has a great community & many interesting and helpful packages and libraries. The language was also developed by some of the brightest minds in the computer science world at Google. These are probably enough reasons to look at the language in which Docker and Kubernetes were written.

Interactive Go Programming With Jupyter

For the past few years, the programming language Go (golang) is growing in popularity. I was a big fan of Python and I primarily used Python in my hobby projects three years ago. Now, I use Go instead of Python because I can be productive with Go from small-scale hobby projects to very large-scale projects in a large company. In the same period, Python is also growing in popularity as machine learning and data science became important.