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Laravel Commands Cheatsheet

laravel new project-name 🔗 create a new folder named “project-name” in the current directory. Then create all necessary Laravel project files inside it. composer require vendor/package 🔗 update composer.json with the necessary details of the package you are choosing to install, then install the package in your project. composer update 🔗 update the installed packages. composer dump-autoload 🔗 updates your vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php file. You have to run this command if you have a new class in your project that has not yet been loaded.

rsnapshot HOWTOs Docs

rsnapshot is a filesystem backup utility based on rsync . Using rsnapshot , it is possible to take snapshots of your filesystems at different points in time. Using hard links, rsnapshot creates the illusion of multiple full backups, while only taking up the space of one full backup plus differences. When coupled with ssh , it is possible to take snapshots of remote filesystems as well. rsnapshot is written in Perl , and depends on rsync .

How to Free up Disk Space on Mac OS ?

We all panic when we see the message your startup disk is almost full, or your disk is almost full. save space by optimizing storage. So let me tell you how to free up a good space in your mac, starting from obvious ways reaching to advanced methods to gain more storage space. Empty the trash can 🔗 Empty the general trash manually. Then you can use this command to delete the trash of the current user.

Where is my recorded video on mac os after sudden shutdown ?

The problem: I recorded a screencast of my desktop using the built-in screenshot / screencast tool on mac os x. But my laptop / desktop computer shutdown for whatever reason. Where is my screencast stored in mac os files ? If your mac version is Catalina or Big Sur, you’ll find your screencast in ~/Library/ScreenRecordings directory.

How to Disable Spotlight Indexing for External Storage Volumes?

Indexing files and folders (directories) of storage devices is good and bad at the same time. Spotlight always indexes your macintosh storage, so you can type any program to execute it or a file name to search for it. But indexing external storage volumes is consuming too much horsepower and time of your mac computer. To make your pendrive and external harddisk plug-and-play, we are going to disable spotlight indexing for external storage volumes on your mac machine.

To Reach Perfection, Tools Must Be Boring

If you need to reach perfect outcome, you must use boring tools. When trying to open a laptop, you use a screwdriver which is a tool made too many years ago without any major improvements or hipster things. That’s the way tools must be. So to reach perfect software, you need a great tool that is backward compatible, fast, futureproof and simple enough to let you focus on the job at hand.

How do I completely uninstall Node.js, and reinstall from beginning (Mac OS X)?

uninstall Node.js 🔗 There is a /Users/myusername/local folder that contained a include with node and lib with node and node_modules. Deleting these local references. Run this command in your Terminal. sudo rm -rf /usr/local/{lib/node{,/.npm,_modules},bin,share/man}/{npm*,node*,man1/node*} Or use this command. sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/npm /usr/local/share/man/man1/node* /usr/local/lib/dtrace/node.d ~/.npm ~/.node-gyp or do those steps instead. To completely uninstall node + npm is to do the following: go to /usr/local/lib and delete any node and node_modules go to /usr/local/include and delete any node and node_modules directory if you installed it with brew install node, then run brew uninstall node in your terminal check your Home directory for any local or lib or include folders, and delete any node or node_modules from there such as ~/.

Three Mistakes You Must Avoid On The Internet

If you are a youtuber and/or blogger or have any business on the internet, make you you do not make those mistakes. Spam 🔗 The repeated comment on Facebook on too many posts is spam. By this repeated post or comment, you spam the news feed on other users. And that’s a prohibited thing on all websites especially platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, .. etc). Scam 🔗 When you post a link of a poll and say that this website give you an iPhone as a prize, you are scammer!

Design A Blogger Theme - Tutorial

Creating a blogger theme is not difficult as you might think. I searched on Google, read some documentations and tutorials, and I created a Blogger theme. So you can create your own Blogger theme too. You need to know how Blogger theme works? and How blog theme shows up? Is this tutorial for you? 🔗 You must know fundamentals of HTML, CSS, Javascript and XML to understand this tutorial easily. So you can create your own customized blogger theme after this well-documented tutorial.

How to reduce the size of image without losing quality ?

two types of compression 🔗 You can reduce the size of images by compression. But there are two types of compression. lossless compression lossy compression best website to compress images 🔗 There are too many programs, apps and websites to compress images. But I see that website is the best one. In this website you have both types of compression. The lossless compression dosn’t lose quality, yet lossy compression make image lose a tiny amount of details.