
Kart Business Project

Predictions for the Future of Programming Future in 2030

OCR Software made by Abanoub Hanna - Software Developer

How to Fix (main:30677): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: ?

If you are facing this error (main:30677): Gtk-WARNING **: 05:40:47.665: cannot open display: just install Gtk+ development library, and set the display screen to 0. Installing Gtk+ using Homebrew 🔗 …

How to Tune Garbage Collector in Go Language ?

How to set the GOGC value ? 🔗 You can set its value in the terminal like this. GOGC=200 Or you can change it in yaml file of the environment variable when using docker or kubernetes. What is the …

How to Draw Rectangle on Imageview ?

If you already have a bitmap image in your code, just use this code snippet. bmp = bmp.copy(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, true); That code will recreate the bitmap image as a mutable. So you can edit that …

Linux Laptop Boot Battery Optimizations

Boot Optimization 🔗 use sudo systemd-analyze critical-chain to get the most time consuming services. If you don’t need those services just disable them by this command sudo systemctl disable …

How to Create Bash Function ?

First step: create a file to add all your bash functions in it. 2nd step: add your bash function/s like this. ## convertMP4toMP3(){ echo -n "Enter source mp4 file : " …

Convert mp4 to mp3 in Linux Terminal

First things first, install the required software packages. Most Linux distros ship with FFmpeg pre-installed but to ensure the required packages are installed, run this command anyway. sudo apt …

Adding GIF image in an ImageView in android

use android-gif-drawable library 🔗 add the following dependency to build.gradle file of your project. dependencies { implementation 'pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.2.19' } Use …

How to make imageview over another view in Android ?

There are at least 3 ways to put imageview on another imageview. Simple Order 🔗 This way is just put the imageview after the other imageview in XML file. It is simple like that. The first view will be …

Comparing Two Integers in C Programming Language

Here is the code snippet in C programming language. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a, b; a = 11; b = 99; // to take values from user input uncomment the below lines − // printf("Enter …

Elixir Cheatsheet - Elixir in Brief

Elixir is a dynamic functional compiled language that runs over an Erlang Virtual Machine called BEAM. Erlang and its BEAM is well known for running low-lattency, distributed and fault-tolerant …