
My ToDo List for 2024 (daily updates)

How to Use Systemd to Keep Programs Running ?

Systemd manages these services in unit files like this. [Unit] Description=Some Really Important Service [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/root ExecStart=/root/ [Install] The program that will start is. #!/usr/bin/env bash while true; do echo 'service is working' sleep 3 done If you don’t want to use this line #!/usr/bin/env bash, then you should make sure to specify what is the program is dedicated to execute the script like this. ExecStart=/bin/bash /root/ If you want to execute this service, you should store it in /etc/systemd/system/.

How to Master a New Technology ?

Here are 4 steps to master any new technology. Quick Start Guide πŸ”— Go to the official website of the new language, or framework. And find the quick start, or starter guide, or language tour, or framework tour, and play / do it. It gives you the necessary minimum knowledge of that new technology. The ultimate reason to do this get started is that it rarely outdated because it is the official beginner guide.

All Javascript Optimization Tips & Techniques

Parsing Objects in Javascript πŸ”— if you are using object like this. const data = {foo: 42, bar: 1337, ... }; use the JSON.parse() instead const data = JSON.parse('{"foo":42,"bar":1337, ... }'); It seems slower, but in the real world IT IS WAY WAY FASTER. Why is it faster? because JSON.parse() has one token ( Javascript object literal), but the string literal has too many tokens. want to know more ?

Things To Do After Installing elementary OS Hera (5.1)

Enable PPA πŸ”— sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common Install apt-fast πŸ”— sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:apt-fast/stable sudo apt -y install apt-fast echo "alias apt='apt-fast'" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Update OS πŸ”— apt update && apt upgrade Install git πŸ”— apt install git Uninstall Apps πŸ”— If you do not like epiphany browser - like me, just run this command. apt purge epiphany-browser epiphany-browser-data If you don’t use the pantheon mail app - like me, just run this command to uninstall it.

How to Install Gnome Shell Extensions from ZIP File using command line

First check your gnome version: $ gnome-shell --version GNOME shell 3.36.4 Then go to location where your downloaded ZIP file, for me its Downloads directory. cd ~/Downloads/ Get the extension UUID from metadata.json by this command. $ unzip -c metadata.json | grep uuid | cut -d \" -f4 [email protected] Or simply open metadata.json file and copy the UUID value. For me it is [email protected]. Create destination directory for the gnome extension.

Is Go better than PHP?

First, β€œweb development” is a very broad term and might, therefore, mean a lot of things including server-side rendered HTML pages, JSON APIs, microservices, etc. Second, let’s define what makes a programming language qualify for web development. (sorted by importance) Ecosystem Tooling Libraries Developer market Success stories Maintainability Language design Ecosystem consistency Performance Asynchronous execution for increased throughput Low latency Raw number-crunching performance Infrastructure Hosting and deployment Memory usage and cost in general So, let’s get ready to compare!

Markdown Cheatsheet

Headers in Markdown πŸ”— # H1 ## H2 ### H3 #### H4 ##### H5 ###### H6 H1 πŸ”— H2 πŸ”— H3 πŸ”— H4 πŸ”— H5 πŸ”— H6 πŸ”— Alternatively, for H1 and H2, an underline-ish style: Alt-H1 ====== Alt-H2 ------ Alt-H1 πŸ”— Alt-H2 πŸ”— Emphasis πŸ”— *italic* _italic too_ __emphasis__ **also called bold** **_bold italic text_** ~~strikethrough or scratched text~~ italic italic too emphasis also called bold bold italic text

Bash Shell Scripting Language - Documentation and Code Snippets

This is a bash shell scripting which can be found on Unix, Linux and Mac. You can install bash on the Linux subsystem on Windows too. The first line is #! /bin/bash because the bash program is in /bin/bash, you can know the path where the bash is by this command which bash. Print data or text on the screen πŸ”— You can use echo Hello, World! or echo "Hello, World".

HTML & HTML5 – Documentation and Code Snippets

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML5 is the fifth version of HTML. HTML is the markup language of the browser. It is the main pillar in the web technology. It structures all the webpages. So it is IMPORTANT! Minimal Page πŸ”— <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <!-- content here --> </body> </html> Head πŸ”— <head> <title>Title</title> <base href="base-url" /> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> /* CSS code */ </style> <script src="script.

Go Programming Language

Go in a Nutshell is an imperative language, and statically typed. Its syntax tokens are similar to C (but less parentheses and no semicolons) and the structure to Oberon-2. Go compiles to native code (no JVM). No classes, but structs with methods. Interfaces to encourage protocol-oriented development. No implementation of inheritance. There’s type embedding, though. Functions are first class citizens. Functions can return multiple values. Go has closures. Pointers, but not pointer arithmetic.