Git Flow Cheatsheet
git flow is a collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations. Initialize it inside an existing Git repository: git flow init Start developing on a feature branch based on …
Gitmoji Cheatsheet
gitmoji: Interactively insert emojis on commits. Start the commit wizard: gitmoji --commit Initialize the Git hook (so gitmoji will be run every time git commit is run): gitmoji --init Remove the Git …
Convert Sgi to Pnm
sgitopnm is a tool to convert an SGI file to a PNM file. Convert an SGI image to a PNM file: sgitopnm path/to/input.sgi > path/to/output.pnm Display information about the SGI file: sgitopnm …
Gitlab Cheatsheet
gitlab 🔗 Ruby wrapper for the GitLab API. Create a new project: gitlab create_project project_name Get info about a specific commit: gitlab commit project_name commit_hash Get info about jobs in a CI …
Git Extras Cheatsheet | release, scp, fork, alias, bulk, clear, repl, squash, ..
git extras 🔗 Git extension pack. Install or upgrade git-extras commands: git extras update Display help: git extras --help Display version: git extras --version git clear-soft 🔗 Clear a Git working …
Git Cheatsheet | Distributed Version Control System
git 🔗 Distributed version control system. Execute a Git subcommand: git subcommand Execute a Git subcommand on a custom repository root path: git -C path/to/repo subcommand Execute a Git subcommand …
kubectl Cheatsheet | Kubernetes
kubectl 🔗 kubectl is a command-line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. List information about a resource with more details: kubectl get pod|service|deployment|ingress|... -o …
kube fzf Cheatsheet | fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods
kube-fzf is an opensource commandline tool to fuzzy search Kubernetes Pods. Shell commands for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods. Get pod details (from current namespace): findpod Get …
sk Cheatsheet | Skim Fuzzy Finder
sk is an opensource fuzzy finder written in Rust. Start skim on all files in the specified directory: find path/to/directory -type f | sk Start skim for running processes: ps aux | sk Start skim with …
fzf Cheatsheet | fuzzy finder
fzf is an opensource command-line fuzzy finder. Start fzf on all files in the specified directory: find path/to/directory -type f | fzf Start fzf for running processes: ps aux | fzf Select multiple …