
All About My Custom Hugo Theme KMT

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Is Kmt Hugo Theme Support Adsense ?

Yes, Kmt theme supports AdSense to display ads on your website. You just need to change the parameter of adsense in your project hugo.toml like this. [params] founded = 2023 - adsense = 'ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' + adsense = 'ca-pub-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy' Make sure you changed the AdSense ID to the correct one.

Why Another Hugo Theme?

I tried some themes such as PaperMod , Ananke , mini , Anubis and Whisper . Every theme lack in some aspect, so I decided to create a new theme for my own use case. Name of the theme πŸ”— I named the theme KMT which is the name of Egypt - my home - in the ancient egyptian language. I develop the theme for Hugo as open source on GitHub , GitLab and Codeberg .

Why The Hugo Theme is Named Kmt?

I named my Hugo theme kmt after the name of my country. As you can read on Wikipedia page about Egypt . The ancient Egyptian name of the country was (π“†Ž π“…“ π“π“Š–) km.t, which means black land, likely referring to the fertile black soils of the Nile flood plains, distinct from the deshret (⟨dΕ‘αΉ›t⟩), or “red land” of the desert. This name is commonly vocalised as Kemet, but was probably pronounced kuːmat in ancient Egyptian.

How to update Hugo Theme Kmt in my website ?

If you installed the KMT theme into your blog/website HUGO project via GIT, just use this command. git submodule update --remote This command will update all the submodules in your git project. But if you need to update kmt theme only, use this command instead. git submodule update --remote themes/kmt

How to install Hugo theme Kmt ?

Kmt is a minimal Hugo theme created by @AbanoubHA , yes it’s me, and named after the name of Egypt in the ancient egyptian language. Install via git submodule (recommended) πŸ”— Inside the folder of your Hugo site run: git submodule add -b main --depth 1 themes/kmt Add the theme’s directory to your config.yaml: theme: kmt or config.toml: theme = kmt Install via Hugo submodule πŸ”— From your project’s root directory, initiate the hugo module system if you haven’t already:

All Code Editors & My Favourite One

Too many code editors are availabe out there. Some are open source and others are closed source. Some are CLI-based and others are GUI-based. Let’s talk about all viable options. Graphical User Interface (GUI) πŸ”— CodeEdit πŸ”— CodeEdit App for macOS is Open source, free, macOS-native experience and written in Swift with SwiftUI. It is a conceptual combination of TextEdit and XCode. It is currently an alpha software but it is very promising.

Extract Images From a Video – Android, Windows, Mac OS and Linux

Extract images from a video on Android πŸ”— You can use the video player in your smartphone. While watching a video, tap to pause the video on the scene frame you want to capture, then click on control tools, then choose screenshot. That’s how you can get an image from a video on Android without any external apps or third-party apps. But if you need to extract many images from a video, use this app to extract one image for each second of the video.

Go’s compiler escape analysis – simple yet powerful concept for performance

Go’s compiler escape analysis is such a simple yet powerful concept for performance. It boils down to the difference between the stack and the heap. So let us explore that. When a function is invoked it gets a new frame in the stack with all its local variables tucked in next to each other, if we know anything about paging we know if the CPU reads one local variable from memory in that function we get a whole page and L cache it and chances that we have access to all functions variables are very high.

[fixed] Netlify: Error: Failed to Load Modules. Hugo Theme Submodule

I removed and re-added a submodule of themes/kmt Hugo theme. But when Netlify tried to deploy my updated web blog an error occurred. The error message is this. Error: failed to load modules: module "kmt" not found in "/opt/build/repo/themes/kmt"; either add it as a Hugo Module or store it in "/opt/build/repo/themes".: module does not exist The error says that kmt theme directory does not exists and it is true. But the problem is in my process of removal of old kmt theme.

How to effectively delete a git submodule

I need to remove a git submodule from my Hugo website. I installed a theme called kmt for my web blog, but I want to remove it now. It is nice to mention that the kmt hugo theme is open source and developed by me. To remove a submodule you need to: delete the relevant section from the .gitmodules file πŸ”— [submodule "themes/ananke"] path = themes/ananke url = -[submodule "themes/kmt"] - path = themes/kmt - url = https://github.